Environmental enrichment is not one size fits all

Featured on homefriends

Edited by: Ingrid King. Last updated: February 6, 2023 by Crystal Uys

Environmental enrichment for cats has become the hot topic in the feline world in recent years – and that’s a very good thing.

Basically, cats are wild animals. When we invite them to share our lives and our homes, we cannot expect them to completely surrender all their natural instincts. We need to look at our living space from the cat’s perspective and provide an environment that satisfies those instincts.

Creating an environment that stimulates your cats’ senses and gives them the opportunity to exercise their natural instincts is especially important for indoor cats. Cats need lots of toys, places to hide, places to climb and perch, and things to watch out for. All of these needs can be met through environmental enrichment.

Each cat is an individual

Unfortunately, what sometimes gets lost in all the books and articles about and products designed for environmental enrichment is the fact that every cat is an individual with a unique personality.

Our friends from The Fabulous Cat Life of Summer put it perfectly in their article Cat enrichment is not one size fits all! Here’s what to consider: “If you believe everything you read, you should harness and train your cat on a leash, invest in cat strollers and elaborate cat trees, grow your own catnip and catnip, and install an interactive camera so you can watch over your cat, hand out treats, and play with them while you’re away. Sounds exhausting, doesn’t it? And the truth is, a lot of it is unnecessary and some of it isn’t even right for your cat. .

What worries me is that some cat parents may think they can’t live up to these expectations and may end up feeling guilty for not doing everything the books and articles suggest, despite evidence that their cats are perfectly happy and well-adjusted. .

I encourage you to read Cat enrichment is not one size fits all! Here’s what to consider.

We all want to give our cats the best life possible, and the more information we have to make that happen, the better. After all, that’s why I do what I do here on The Conscious Cat! But ultimately, you know your cat better than anyone. By learning as much as possible and taking into account your cat’s unique personality, you will make the best decisions for their well-being.

Photo by Madalyn Cox on Unsplash

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