Food Sensitivities and Food Allergies in Cats

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Edited by: Ingrid King. Last updated: February 1, 2023 by Crystal Uys

Food sensitivities and food allergies are caused by a reaction to a particular ingredient in food. The most common allergens are usually protein, with fish and chicken being two of the most common causes. Grains, especially corn, and dairy products can also cause problems. An allergy can develop to any protein that the cat is repeatedly or constantly exposed to. Sometimes allergies develop over time. Once an allergy has developed, it can last the life of the cat.

Food Allergy Symptoms

Food allergies can manifest as itchy skin, rashes, or excessive grooming, or digestive symptoms, including vomiting or diarrhea. Digestive symptoms often mimic those of inflammatory bowel disease.

Diagnosis of food allergies by food elimination test

Food allergies are diagnosed by performing an elimination diet trial. There are currently two approaches for these trials: a new protein diet or a hypoallergenic diet.

New protein diet

New protein diets used in a food elimination trial must contain a protein that the cat has not been previously exposed to. Unfortunately, with pet food manufacturers offering more and more exotic diets, it’s getting harder and harder to find a truly new protein. In the past, new protein diets were based on venison, rabbit or duck, but depending on what your cat ate you may need to find more unusual proteins such as pheasant, kangaroo or brushtail.

hypoallergenic diet

There are several hypoallergenic diets on the market, available only from your veterinarian. These prescription diets are made from hydrolyzed protein. They use a conventional protein source like chicken, but the protein is broken down into molecules that are too small to boost the immune system. These diets are highly processed and contain by-products and fillers.

How to Conduct the Diet Trial

With both methods, the new diet should be fed exclusively for at least 12 weeks. This means that there are no treats unless they only contain the same novel or hydrolyzed protein. If you are giving supplements, be sure to check the ingredient list. Many pet supplements contain chicken or beef flavors. If you are giving medication with pill dispensers, you will need to find another method to give your cat the medication.

If a food allergy is present, cats will begin to respond to the elimination diet within four to six weeks, but it is important to continue the trial for the full 12 weeks. If the trial is considered successful, cat keepers are asked to take back the food that was given before the trial. If the symptoms reappear with the old diet, this confirms the presence of a food allergy. Understandably, many cat keepers will be unwilling to go back to the original diet to confirm an allergy if they see improvement or complete resolution of their cat’s symptoms, and cats may remain on these new protein diets indefinitely or hypoallergenic.

Holistic Food Allergy Treatment

Cat keepers who would prefer a more natural approach can use raw or home-cooked diets using new proteins for food elimination trials or as a long-term solution. Work with your holistic veterinarian to determine the best approach for your cat. Some cat keepers have had success solving food allergies by simply switching to a raw diet, even without the use of new proteins.

Homeopathic remedies, as prescribed by a modality-trained veterinarian, can help boost the immune system so that it no longer reacts to the allergy-causing substance. I do not recommend commercial blends of homeopathic remedies as they often contain multiple remedies that have completely opposite actions.

Jackson Galaxy Skin Soother (affiliate link*) can relieve itching and anxiety that can accompany allergies and can help balance a cat’s energy system.

Diagnosing and treating food allergies can be a long and sometimes frustrating process, and finding a solution can take time and patience.

Image credit: Depositphotos

This article was first published in 2017 and has been updated.

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