How to Introduce Dogs – Dogster

Featured on homefriends

Contrary to popular belief, most dogs are selective or tolerant of dogs and not dog-social. And that’s OK! Dogs shouldn’t be expected to like every dog ​​they meet: most humans don’t like all humans either. Well-planned intros keep everyone safe and happy.

Always avoid impromptu leash greetings, especially allowing dogs to walk towards each other. This can be frightening for many dogs, and they can quickly become overwhelmed and become defensively aggressive, especially when unable to escape the confines of the leash.

Before presenting two dogs

If you are dealing with an aggressive dog, withhold introductions until you can get an experienced rewards-based trainer on board. Also, some dogs are super excitable and jump on every dog ​​they meet. Unfortunately, it can also be awkward if the other dog is quieter or doesn’t appreciate rudeness. Again, seek professional help for over-responsiveness before attempting any intros.

  • Review the dog’s body language.
  • Choose a neutral, enclosed area where dogs can interact off-leash.
  • Clear the area of ​​toys or other objects that could cause resource protection issues.
  • Keep treats handy but out of sight.
  • Minimize/eliminate distractions.
  • When intros involve puppies or older dogs, be extra careful to avoid injury from larger or more rambunctious dogs.
  • No “gang greetings!” Dogs should meet one-on-one to avoid intimidating and/or overwhelming dogs and also to allow handlers to pay close attention to dogs’ body language at all times.

Follow these steps to introduce a dog to another dog:

  1. First hold both dogs on a leash and keep a safe distance, i.e. at opposite ends of the space. No retractable leashes. They can be dangerous in certain situations and prevent proper handling.
  2. Carefully assess body language as you slowly close the gap. Proceed only if both the dogs show that they are on board.
  3. Watch for stress signals and act quickly before things get out of hand. Use treats to distract and keep dogs away from each other. Try again if the dogs are calm.
  4. Hopefully, drop the leashes, but keep them on for a bit in case you need to act quickly.
  5. End the interaction immediately if necessary.

Do not force! If they’re not quick friends, that’s okay. Maybe it’s not meant to be. Always be your dog’s advocate, and if things aren’t going well, give him the choice to step aside. First impressions are important, so start on the right foot to avoid problems.

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