Important tips for training cats

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When you bring a new cat into your home, it’s important to make sure your cat is adjusting well and following your house rules. If you need help training your cat effectively, follow these helpful tips from our experts at the North Shore Animal League America.

Provide a suitable scratching place

It is a natural instinct for a cat to scratch and sharpen its claws. As long as he is offered a suitable place to scratch, your furniture and personal belongings should be safe. Several scratching posts are available in pet stores:

  • If your cat likes to scratch leather or vinyl, choose a cardboard post.
  • If your cat seems to prefer carpeted surfaces, choose carpeted posts.
  • If your cat prefers scratching on twine or rope bases, choose thistle posts.
  • If the post you choose has a toy attached, steer clear of those with toys larger than a golf ball, as this will likely intimidate your cat.

When introducing your cat to the post, position it near where your cat sleeps, as cats generally like to stretch and scratch when they wake up. If your cat has already chosen your sofa as a post, try putting the post next to the sofa. This will give your cat an alternative and more appropriate place to scratch.


If you see that your cat is always using your furniture as a scratching post, try to correct his behavior. Shaking a box of coins or spraying your cat with a water gun will cause it to jump, causing an association with that unpleasant feeling and scratching the furniture. Never let your pet see you correcting it and never hit your cat! You don’t want them to associate anything negative with you. Offer praise and/or treats if you see them using the appropriate scratching post.

Place a scratching post near the area where your cat scratches inappropriately. When your cat is going to scratch in the wrong place, direct it to the post and reward it with pets and treats. Placing catnip on the post will help attract your cat to the right place to scratch. You can trap the scratching area with double-sided tape or aluminum foil placed over the scratching areas in addition to placing the right type of scratching post nearby.

Prevent inappropriate urination and defecation

A common issue this is when a cat urinates or defecates outside of its litter box. This problem can have many causes, including potential medical issues (i.e. urinary tract infections, feline lower urinary tract disease, diabetes, etc.).

Make sure your cat is urinating and not spraying. When a cat sprays, it is marking its territory. Usually a cat will back up towards a vertical object and wag its tail a bit as it sprays the area. It is more common in males but has also been observed in female cats. Make sure your cat is neutered or neutered properly. Often the introduction of stray cats to the area will cause a modified cat to spray the areas around the house to mark the area as their own. In such situations, you should confine your cat (following the instructions below) and contact your local ASPCA to inquire about spaying/neutering programs they may offer.

Another possible cause is change. The arrival of new people or animals in the home, a change in the location of the litter box or the type of litter box, or any change in the household can cause a cat to change its behavior in the litter box. Cats are very routine-oriented and don’t like or appreciate change, so try to keep your cat’s comfort in mind. Even minor changes can be very traumatic for a cat’s daily routine.

Solve the problem

Confining your cat to a small room like a bedroom or bathroom can help your cat adjust to the changes around him. The room should be a quiet, low-traffic area with minimal, if any, chaos. You may think your new pet will want all the space it can get, but during the initial stages of acclimatization, a smaller space will always work better. Giving your cat too much space too quickly will only overwhelm it. Keep the litter box, water bowls, and all her toys and beds in this room. Make your cat feel as comfortable as possible. Provide appropriate hiding places, such as cardboard boxes or large blankets, so your cat can get away from any stressful situation if necessary. And remember, always be patient! Moving from a shelter to a home, while beneficial, can result in temporary behavioral changes, and it takes time to adapt and feel comfortable in a new environment.

Don’t make your cat feel like they’ve been placed in solitary confinement. Enter the room to play with your cat and pet it, so that it feels loved and comforted. Spend more time with him/her during feedings. Be sure to document your cat’s behavior in the litter box while in the room. When everything is settled and your cat seems ready to move back into the rest of the house, be sure to do it slowly. During the first few times you let him out, make sure he is always closely watched and reintroduce him to small areas of the house at a time. It is normal for your cat to have accidents during the first few tries. If this happens, put the cat back in the room and try again in a few days. Remember to take it slow and don’t get frustrated. Your cat will need time to adjust and relearn the rules of the house.

You can also “trap” the area to keep your cat away from it. Double-sided tape, aluminum foil, or strategically placed coin boxes will make this an unpleasant place for your cat. If your cat likes houseplants, line the pot with aluminum foil and place some soil in the litter box to attract it.

While your cat is in confinement, be sure to clean up areas where your cat has urinated or defecated. The best way to get rid of the smell for you and your cat is to use a 50/50 solution of household vinegar and water. Stay away from harsh cleaning products that could be harmful to your pet. Ammonia products will attract your cat to the area due to similar components in their urine. You can even put a small amount of ammonia-based cleaner in the litter box to entice your cat to the box. If your cat has used piles of clothes left on the floor as a litter box, you can soak them in the vinegar-water solution in the washing machine, then wash them like regular laundry detergent. Often the area may need to be cleaned several times before it is fully cleaned.

Do your best to keep the litter box in one place for the first few weeks. If it needs to be moved, do it at a slow but steady pace, only moving it a few inches a day. If your cat is an older cat, you will need to keep the litter box in a place that is accessible to her. Do not place the box on the fourth floor or down two flights of stairs. Your cat may not arrive on time and have accidents along the way. Keep the litter box away from the animal’s food and water sources and in a low-traffic area with an unobstructed view of the surroundings. There should be a box on each level of the house that the cat has access to.

Changing the type of litter can cause a cat to react negatively. Be sure to gradually mix in the new litter while removing the old brand. This will allow your cat to adapt to the new type of litter at a slow and comfortable pace.

The litter box itself is also an important aspect of litter box behavior. As your cat grows, they may no longer fit in the litter box used as a kitten. Make sure your cat has enough room to turn around in the litter box. Some cats prefer high-sided litter boxes, while others prefer low-sided boxes. Closed litter boxes can trap odors inside the box, so if this type is used, be sure to keep the box very clean. The box should be scooped daily, but thoroughly cleaned, with a fresh batch of clean litter at least once a week. Cats are very clean animals and the cleanliness of their litter box will affect how they use it. If your cat defecates or urinates right in front of the box, she’s probably trying to tell you something about the cleanliness or size of the box. Keep your cat’s specific needs in mind.

Stop your cat’s biting and violent games

The easiest way to prevent biting and rough play is to not play rough with your cat.. Don’t turn petting time into fighting time. Don’t turn your fidgety hands or fingers into your cat’s favorite toy. Use toys that provide some distance between you and your cat. Pole toys, bouncing balls, and cat dancers are wonderful alternatives to your hands.

If your cat becomes overstimulated and starts nibbling during petting, give her a plush toy to chew on.. This will teach him what is okay to snack on and what is not. When cats get overexcited during petting and start biting your fingers and hands, it’s not an aggressive act! They display “love bites”. This is an affectionate display and should not be corrected as it will confuse your cat. If your cat bites too hard, stop petting it and walk away.

Some cats have a very high prey instinct. This basically means that they get extremely excited very quickly and sometimes attack your feet, legs, etc. Make sure your cat has enough toys to keep her attention and busy. Correct your cat when he plays inappropriately and offer him appropriate toys. Also, always offer praise and rewards for good behavior.

The post Important Cat Training Tips to Know appeared first on Animal League.

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