Signs of Poisoning in Pets (and What to Do About It)

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As a parent, you do your best to keep your pets safe and healthy. But accidents (and curious pets) do happen, and it’s possible your cat or dog chewed, licked, or swallowed something they shouldn’t have — or did. ?

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if your pet has actually come into contact with something toxic, especially if you weren’t home or in the room at the time. Here are some signs to look for if you think your pet has been exposed to something toxic and what to do about it.

Seek treatment immediately if poisoning is suspected

For many toxins, getting your pet treated and access to an antidote (if available) as soon as possible is crucial for a good prognosis. If it is possible your pet has consumed, inhaled, licked, or otherwise been exposed to something toxic, immediately call your veterinarian or an after-hours emergency clinic, or one of two poison control centers for animals in North America:

Do this even if your pet is acting normally. The sooner you speak with a veterinary professional, the sooner you can take the appropriate steps to help your pet.

Know the Signs of Poisoning

Different toxins have different effects on your pet’s body – some signs are subtle (eg lethargy, loss of appetite) and others are severe (eg vomiting, collapse, seizures). The severity and timing of signs depends on the toxin involved, but there are general signs that may suggest poisoning. They understand:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea, possibly with blood in the vomit or feces
  • Excessive drooling
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Jerking, grabbing, or irregular body movements
  • Changes in appetite, alcohol consumption, or urination
  • Weakness or collapse
  • Lethargy

These signs can also be caused by something other than poisoning, so it’s important to have your pet examined by your veterinarian to determine the cause. Your veterinarian will perform a physical exam, take a complete history, and possibly perform lab tests to determine if your pet has been poisoned or if there is another medical condition causing their symptoms.

Belly bug or toxin?

Vomiting is a common sign of poisoning, but pets can also vomit for less scary reasons. Here are some things to look for and consider when you (and your vet) are trying to determine if the cause of your pet’s vomiting is due to a toxin, another medical condition, or because their stomach was not healthy. agree with something.

Do you see any foreign bodies in the vomit? Check to see if your pet ate something they shouldn’t have eaten, like a toy, sock, paper towel, or something else they thought was a good idea to chew on (and now regrets) . Also check to see if any of the foreign bodies are potentially toxic (eg, drugs, rodenticide pellets). Some items may be less obvious toxins; for example, dryer sheets contain chemicals that can be harmful if pets chew or ingest them. Contact an animal poison control center or your veterinarian if you are unsure if something is poisonous or not.

Your vet will also want to know the consistency and color of the vomit. Vomit can be large, grainy, frothy, slimy, or runny and can vary in color, including clear, yellow, brown, green, or red (or other colors if food coloring is the source). Bright green or teal vomit suggests your pet ate mouse or rat poison, and red suggests bleeding in the stomach, esophagus, or mouth.

Other information your veterinarian will need to know includes:

  • Frequency (number of times, number of days or weeks)
  • Time of the day
  • Brand and type of normal food
  • Time elapsed since last meal and/or treats
  • Anything unusual that could have been eaten
  • Appetite changes
  • Any other symptoms or changes in behavior that you have noticed

If your pet vomits and shows other signs of poisoning (listed above), see a veterinarian immediately. Also consult a veterinarian if your pet vomits several times in a day or vomits for more than 24 consecutive hours. If in doubt, call your veterinarian. They can determine if you should bring your pet to the clinic or watch them at home.

Common household toxins

There are many objects that can be found around your home and yard that are poisonous to cats and/or dogs and should be kept out of their reach. Common household toxins for cats include “true lilies” (eg, tiger, day, Asiatic, and Easter lilies), acetaminophen, and dog flea and tick medications containing permethrin. For dogs, chocolate, grapes and products containing the artificial sweetener xylitol are common toxins. Other household poisons include:

  • Household, garden, and automotive chemicals (eg, insecticides, antifreeze, fertilizers)
  • Certain indoor and garden plants (e.g. tulip bulbs, sago palms, oleander)
  • Rodenticides (mouse and rat kills)
  • Pet and human medications (prescription and over-the-counter)
  • Certain human foods (eg, coffee grounds, onions, macadamia nuts)
  • Medicinal or recreational marijuana
  • Toxins of animal origin (eg, from toads, wasps, snakes)

Be ready for the unexpected

Hopefully your pet is never exposed to anything toxic, but it’s important to know what to do if they do and to have supplies ready, just in case. As mentioned above, the first thing to do is call a veterinarian or poison control center immediately. They can help you get proper help for your pet.

If you own a dog, keep 3% hydrogen peroxide (and a syringe) in your medicine cabinet in case your vet wants you to vomit. It is important not to induce vomiting unless directed by a veterinarian. Some toxins can damage the esophagus, mouth or nose, or be drawn into the lungs when vomiting occurs. Also, don’t induce vomiting if your dog is unconscious, unable to stand, has trouble breathing, or has a seizure. There is currently no home method to induce vomiting in cats.

If you know what toxin your pet has been exposed to, bring the product packaging, herb, medicine or whatever with you to the clinic. Photos will also work if you can’t bring the toxin. This will help the vet identify the toxin and begin treatment as soon as possible. If your pet has vomited, collect a sample in a clear plastic bag and bring it with you, as this can help identify toxins.

Hopefully your pet will never be exposed to a toxin, but it’s important to know what to do if it is. Remember that calling your veterinarian, an after-hours emergency clinic, or an animal poison control center is the first thing to do if you suspect your pet is poisoned, so they can get the proper care as soon as possible.

RELATED ARTICLE: Knowing when it’s time to call the vet

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