Special Facts About Pets: Halloween Edition

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Welcome to our Peculiar Pet Facts series, where we investigate the quirks of our pets and explore the science behind them.

It’s the scariest time of the year. The neighborhood is full of eerie ghosts, cackling witches and… candy. It’s a fun holiday for people, but for your pet, there are a lot of spooky things lurking in the shadows of Halloween. Here are some special facts about Halloween-related pets that are useful to know during this haunting holiday.

Pumpkin leads as the most popular pet costume

According to a National Retail Federation survey, one in five people planned to dress their pet in a costume for Halloween in 2021. The most popular costume was a pumpkin, followed by a hot dog, a super -hero, of a cat and a bumblebee. Other costumes on the list included a ghost, bat, lion, dog, witch, devil, and pirate.

If you’re one of the roughly 20% of people who dress up their pets for Halloween, it’s important to make sure your pet is supervised at all times and is safe and comfortable in their costume. They may look cute, but are they comfortable? Or do they itch and scratch to get it off?

Make sure the costume isn’t too loose or too tight, allows your pet to move and breathe naturally, and doesn’t obstruct their vision or hearing. There should be enough room for when they need to go potty, and the costume should not have any dangling pieces that are tempting to chew on, which could create choking or clogging hazards. Considering all of this, it may be best to take a quick photo and then replace the costume with a Halloween-themed bandana or necklace.

The Truth About Black Cats, Moon Howls, and Ghostly Noises

There are a few pet-related superstitions that are growing in popularity around Halloween. Black cats are standard Halloween yard decorations and companions for cardboard witches with glowing green eyes. But why are they associated with witches, Halloween and all things mysterious? The answer is not simple, but it is based on centuries of myths, superstitions and worship. You can read more about the origins of the dark reputation of black cats here.

Another part of many scary stories is a dog (or wolf) howling at the moon. But do dogs really howl To the moon? Turns out that’s another myth. Dogs howl for many reasons, day and night, and not just on a full moon. People are more likely to notice them howling at night when the world is generally quieter and sound travels farther. But a dog howling at the moon adds drama to a horror movie!

As for the ghostly noises, has your dog ever started barking feverishly when it seems to you that there is nothing? Could your dog bark at a ghost? Well, we’re not saying it’s not a ghost (whether ghosts are real or not is another matter entirely), but dogs’ extraordinary hearing and scent-detecting abilities mean it’s more likely that ‘there is East something (of this world) there, you simply cannot see, hear or smell.

Jack-o’-Lanterns are scary – inside and out

Jack-o’-lanterns are a Halloween staple, but they’re best left where your pets can’t reach them so they don’t create potentially scary consequences. The most obvious risk is if you use a real candle. Your curious pet could get burned or knock over the Jack-o’-lantern and start a fire. Fake candles cannot cause a fire, but they should also be kept out of your pets’ reach, as the plastic and batteries are dangerous if your pet chews on them or swallows them.

And while cooked pumpkin is a healthy food for dogs and a popular dog food ingredient, chunks of raw pumpkin can pose a choking hazard and are difficult for dogs to digest. Pumpkin stalk and raw seeds are also not good for your dog. Also keep in mind that jack-o’-lanterns look great for a while, but they can quickly go bad, especially in hot weather, and go moldy. All good reasons to make sure your dog doesn’t bite into your Jack-o’-lantern.

Chocolate isn’t the only food to watch out for

Most people know that chocolate is a no-no for pets because it has life-threatening consequences, depending on the amount consumed, the type of chocolate, and your pet’s weight. But there are other pet food hazards that could end up in the candy bucket after a successful night of treats.

Some types of gummies, mints, candies, and baked goods contain high amounts of xylitol, a natural sugar-free sweetener. It tastes good, but if ingested by your pet, xylitol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and possibly liver damage. Also be wary of “healthy” treats. For example, raisins and macadamia nuts are toxic to pets. And then there are fatty, rich foods that can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or pancreatitis.

Candy wrappers are another hazard to pets. Your pet doesn’t know they’re not supposed to eat the chocolate or candy, let alone unwrap it first. Aluminum foil, plastic wraps, and cardboard boxes can all cause life-threatening bowel obstructions that can lead to surgery and a hospital stay.

So keep that bucket of treats out of your pet’s reach. If you think your pet has ingested something he shouldn’t, immediately call your veterinarian, an emergency clinic, or an animal poison helpline.

Halloween is scary!

If you’ve been through a haunted house, you know there’s a scare around every corner (or is there?). It could also be how your pet feels every time you open the front door to a cheater. Your pet is used to “people” standing at the front door, but now there are vampires, mini superheroes and princesses hanging around. Frightening! Likewise, your dog, who is usually calm when out for a walk, may not understand what is going on when he walks around the neighborhood with you while you perform tricks.

Here are some signs that Halloween is getting a little too scary for your pet. Dogs and cats may freeze, hide or try to make themselves as small as possible. Anxious dogs often lick their lips and yawn and may walk, pant, drool and shake. Cats hiss and arch their backs, or they may groom themselves nervously.

It’s a good idea to have a safe space available for your pet to retreat to if the Halloween festivities get a little too spooky. The space should be in a quiet room that has a comfortable bed and some of their favorite toys. Don’t forget a water and food bowl and kitty litter. Check occasionally to see if your dog needs to go out, as your house dog may not be brave enough to come up to you and tell you he needs to go out.

People like Halloween to be a little spooky, but it shouldn’t be scary or uncomfortable for your pet. Many pets may wish November 1stst hurry to get here!

RELATED: Scaredy Cats: Five Things That Scare Cats

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