Lack of appetite can have many underlying causes, from physical to behavioral. Here are some common reasons your dog or cat may be losing their appetite, along with tips for getting them to eat.
One of the most obvious signs that something is wrong with your dog and cat is when they stop eating. Loss of appetite, or inappetence, is more common than you might think. Although it is often associated with medical conditions such as digestive problems, cancer or many others, loss of appetite can also be caused by behavioral problems, stress or even a change in the environment. . If your dog or cat is not eating as it should, it’s important that your veterinarian determine the cause before taking any steps to get them to eat.
10 Reasons Dogs Or Cats May Lose Their Appetite
1. Medical conditions
Everything from parasites to cancer to kidney disease can cause a dog or cat to lose its appetite. So the first thing to do in case of inappetence is to have your dog or cat examined by the veterinarian, who can also help you with a treatment plan and any dietary changes that may be needed.
2. Surgery
Surgery is tough on dogs and cats. Typically, a treatment plan includes medications and post-operative instructions. Often the stress of the operation is overwhelming for your pet. It may take him a few days to regain his appetite, during which time a bland diet is a safe plan.
3. Medicines
Certain medications, including opioids, can cause stomach upset and diarrhea. For example, not all dogs tolerate the drug Tramadol very well and may experience diarrhea. Discuss with your veterinarian the side effects of any medication your dog or cat may need to take.
4. Aging
Many senior pets lose their normal appetite at some point. Inappetence can occur after a health condition is diagnosed or just over time as your dog or cat ages. For example, it is normal for an aging dog to be no longer hungry at the start of the day. Wait a few hours and try feeding him again to see if that makes a difference.
Any form of stress can cause inappetence in a dog or cat. A move or other change in environment can lead to gastrointestinal upset and loss of appetite. Loud or unfamiliar sounds such as thunder or construction noises are also stressful for animals.
6. Dental issues
Periodontal disease is very common in pets and poor oral health is one of the reasons they may stop eating. Inflamed gums and dental abscesses are very painful. Cats in particular are incredibly stoic, so it may not be obvious that dental discomfort is the reason for their reluctance to eat.
7. Diet change
Cats, in particular, can be reluctant to try new foods and may turn their nose up rather than eat something different. So if you change your pet’s diet, don’t do it all at once. Slowly introduce the new food in small amounts to their usual meals and gradually add more each day (while reducing the amounts of the old food). This not only helps prevent gastrointestinal upset, but can also help the animal better accept the new food.
8. Depression
The death of a family member, whether bipedal or quadrupedal, can cause depression in a dog or cat. Lack of appetite is common when an animal is depressed by the loss of a friend or companion.
9. Behavioral issues
Behavioral issues, such as separation anxiety, can interfere with a pet’s appetite. Excessive vocalization or destructiveness are common symptoms of separation anxiety, but inappetence can also occur. You may need to work with an animal behaviorist to resolve the issue.
10. Fireworks
Fireworks are associated with several annual holidays, from New Year’s Eve to July 4, as well as Victoria Day and Canada Day weekends north of the border. Both public and private fireworks can take place during the week leading up to the holidays, which means your dog or cat may be more stressed than usual and not eat as well for a few days.
Most dogs love food, as do many cats (though felines can certainly be picky eaters). It is therefore worrying when your four-legged friend loses his appetite. By identifying and treating the cause while doing what you can to entice him to eat, you should soon make him want dinner again!
Tips to seduce your taste buds
Depending on the cause of your dog or cat’s inappetence, there are many ways to entice him to eat. Be sure to work with your veterinarian if your pet has a health issue, as there may be certain foods or supplements they shouldn’t have.
- Mattress topper: Break up some natural freeze-dried treats and sprinkle them on his food. Other decorating ideas include the liquid from a can of salmon or sardines wrapped in water, a dollop of yogurt or a little cheese. A few pieces of lean meat like chicken or beef can also help stimulate his appetite. If you have a cat, try catnip as a topper!
- Young: Skip a meal and see if your pet is hungrier later in the day. Do not fast it for more than half a day.
- Baby food: Try a few jars of chicken or turkey flavored baby food as a small meal.
- Hand feeding: Give him small pieces of boiled chicken or hand ground beef.
- Environmental changes: Try feeding him a meal in another room, or use a plate instead of a bowl.
- Herbal therapy: Ginger is an excellent herb for relieving nausea, but there are many others that can help entice a pet to eat. Work with a holistic or integrative veterinarian when considering herbs for your dog or cat.
- Acupuncture: This modality is known to increase a dog or cat’s appetite; many older pets will be hungry after a session.
- CBD oil: Along with its many other effects, CBD oil is known to help stimulate appetite.
- Bland diet (for dogs): Try boiling white rice and a chicken breast, and feeding a small amount to your dog.
- Reheated dishes: Warming up your dog or cat’s food can help increase their appetite.
If she’s not eating, call the vet first
If an adult dog or cat only refuses one meal, there’s probably not much to worry about. However, if two or three days pass and he still isn’t eating properly, schedule a vet appointment as soon as possible. A puppy or kitten that is not eating may signal a medical emergency. call the vet immediately if your child refuses a meal.
Your veterinarian will need to perform a series of diagnostics and lab work to rule out any medical conditions and health issues that are causing your pet’s loss of appetite. Often, many of these conditions cannot be ruled out without lab work. Tests can vary, but generally include blood tests, urinalysis, and/or a fecal test. Depending on what the results show, other diagnoses may be needed.
Once you’ve discovered what’s behind your dog’s or cat’s inappetence, your veterinarian will put in place a treatment plan that will often help your pet regain an interest in food. However, if his appetite still seems low or his inappetence is caused by stress, depression, or aging, there are other steps you can take to get him to eat more.