Disabled pets may look a little different and may need a little more attention, but they can still be happy and much-loved members of the family. To educate pet owners (and potential pet owners) about caring for pets with disabilities, National Specially Handicapped Pet Day is observed on May 3 each year. The national day also aims to promote the adoption of disabled pets who are currently waiting to find forever homes. In this article, we take a look at what it means to have a specially disabled pet in the family.
Common Pet Disabilities
Pet disabilities take many forms, including visible deformities (for example, loss of a limb or eye) and less obvious impairments such as deafness and anxiety. There are many reasons why pets can be disabled, including birth defects and life-saving amputations due to cancer or irreparable fractures. Also, unfortunately, some rescued pets may have suffered injuries due to the negligence of their previous owners.
Disabled pets have special abilities
Many pets successfully adapt to their disability and live life to the fullest as any pet. We’ve all seen this three-legged dog at the park who can play fetch just as well as other dogs. Blind pets can usually navigate their homes just fine as long as the furniture isn’t rearranged too often, and they can also be trained to follow sounds (eg, pops, clicks, or whistles). Similarly, hearing-impaired dogs can be trained to follow cues instead of verbal commands.
Pet Mobility Solutions
For pets that have lost mobility, veterinarians and other animal health specialists can work with manufacturers to design custom solutions that help maintain movement and improve the animal’s quality of life. Most prostheses are designed for dogs, but they can also be made for many other species. Usually a partial limb is needed for a prosthesis to fit, but for pets with full amputations or birth defects, a fitted vest with a wheel can also be used.
Other mobility solutions include portable slings or wheelchairs for pets with complete loss of function in their hind legs and orthopedic braces for pets who have their limbs but have deformities or have suffered an injury that prevents the use of the leg (for example, ligament or nerve damage). ). Orthopedic braces are custom-fitted and have hinges that encourage movement and range of motion to help maintain joint and muscle function and health.
Financial assistance for mobility devices for pets
Pets with disabilities have the lowest adoption rate, along with senior pets, of all pets. Some people may not consider adopting a disabled pet due to the perceived high cost of caring for the animal. However, while some pets may require extra care, some just need more time, patience, and a loving home. If a pet needs an expensive device to maintain mobility (for example, a dog wheelchair), there are foundations that can help cover those costs. For example, dog wheelchair maker Ruff Rollin’ works with three foundations (Mango on a Mission, Joey’s PAW, and Gunnar’s Wheels) to provide free dog wheelchairs. The Handicapped Pets Foundation is a non-profit corporation that also donates wheelchairs to pets in need.
Pets with chronic diseases
Pets with long-term illnesses such as diabetes may also have a harder time getting adopted because of the extra attention they need. However, with daily care, proper nutrition, and regular physical activity, cats and dogs with diabetes can lead healthy, active lives.
Animals with Disabilities Need Foster Parents Too
In addition to adoptions, shelters with disabled animals may also seek out pet foster homes that can provide hospice for animals with disabilities or that need additional care that cannot be provided well in a shelter.
Adopting a disabled pet doesn’t have to be as overwhelming as it first seems. With proper veterinary care and patient owners, many specially disabled pets can live long and happy lives with their families. They can even develop their own super abilities.
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