How dirty is your dog before and after professional grooming?

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Luxury mobile dog grooming company Barkbus examined bacteria and fungus levels on dogs before and after a cleaning to see precisely how effective professional grooming is at getting rid of dirt and grime and nasties. hostile organisms in the coat, mouth and paws of a furry friend. .

Barkbus performed six total gram swab and stain tests on a dog’s fur, mouth and paws before and after professional grooming.

The study found that thorough grooming significantly reduces bacteria counts in the average dog. Swab analysis was performed to determine the total number of colony-forming units and germ types (CFU). The number of good and harmful fungi, viruses and bacteria present in a sample is measured in CFU.

The dogs’ fur and mouth showed a significant difference between before and after grooming. 34.7 million CFU on their coat has dropped to just 10, while 6.1 million CFU on their mouth on average has been reduced to 140.

Meanwhile, the legs did not have the same significant changes. Before grooming the dogs feet had an average of 6500 CFU, after grooming this amount only decreased to 3200 CFU. So, when cleaning your dog, be sure to pay special attention to his paws.

Also, don’t forget to bring your dog for a deep cleaning. Professional groomers not only perform meticulous brushing, washing, trimming and nail trimming procedures, but because of their experience and ability to examine your dog in detail, they are more likely to spot any problems. If ignored for an extended period, long nails can cause your dog to change the way he walks, leading to bone deformities and arthritis. Infections, mites and other unpleasant conditions can also enter the body through dirty ears.

The study also compared the dog’s fur, mouth and paws to everyday household items. The result? The dogs have more bacteria than the objects tested.

Compared to the helmets and kitchen surfaces of their humans, the dogs were 14 to 18 times dirtier before being groomed. However, after extensive grooming, the CFUs in the fur (10 CFU), mouth (140 CFU), and paws were essentially unnoticeable (3,200 CFU).

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