How Routine Can Help Disabled Animals Thrive

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Just like humans, pets can be disabled. As pet parents, you hate seeing your fur babies go through the tough times of disability. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure your pet continues to thrive, starting with creating a routine.

Before we offer tips for establishing a better routine with your pet, let’s discuss in more detail how routines benefit you and your disabled pet.

How Routines Benefit Pets with Disabilities

Routines are fundamental to improving the life of your handicapped animal. They reinforce the stability of your animal. The animal can then know what is going to happen during its days, which makes it much more comfortable.

Additionally, routines can improve your pet’s mental and physical health. A disability can easily weaken both. So having activities in their day that keep them mentally and physically stimulated is helpful.

Finally, routines help your pets build trust with you. A disabled pet must be able to lean on its owner for support. They need to know you’ll be there. A routine lets them know you’ll be there day in and day out to help them navigate and thrive despite their disability.

Wheelchair with wheels
The dog uses a rear support harness for weak rear legs
Walkin’ Lift Rear Harness
German Shepherd combo harness for leg support
Combined walking harness

How Routines Benefit Owners, Too

Routines aren’t just for your pet’s benefit. There are also advantages for you as the owner. The first of these is to establish better health habits that promote self-care.

Healthy habits like walking your pet daily, eating healthy meals together, and having positive interactions with other pet parents can improve your mental and physical health. They put you on the path to taking better care of yourself. And as you take better care of yourself, your relationship with your pet and their overall health will also improve.

Plus, routines help you better control your pet’s care. You learn how to organize their vaccinations, preventive care, surgeries and other medical appointments. You incorporate taking their medications into your day, making it second nature. You are also more attentive to their mental and physical health needs.

Tips for establishing a better routine with your pet

With the benefits of a routine in mind, you’re probably wondering how to create a better one. These tactics will help you do just that.

Consult your veterinarian

One of the best things you can do to establish a better routine with your pet is to consult your veterinarian. Your vet knows your pet and the details of their disability, so they are one of the best sources of advice to tap into when developing a routine that is right for your pet.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian and get the answers to these questions:

  • What should my pet do every day?
  • When and how often should my pet exercise?
  • Where can I take my animal without aggravating its handicap?
  • How do I get my pet to take their medication without problems?
  • Are there any other supplements or vitamins I should add to their diet?
  • Are there any supplies, mobility aids, or protective clothing I should put on?
  • Should I add additional training or alternative therapy options to my pet’s routine?

Add any other questions to this list that will help you establish a better routine for your disabled pet.

Have fun

Living with a disability is difficult. But that doesn’t mean that your pet’s life and routine should be dark and centered around the difficulty of things. Instead, make your pet’s routine as fun as possible for him.

Think about what your pet likes to do. What kind of toys do they like to play with? Where do they like to go? Do they enjoy interacting with other dogs? Would they rather stay home and explore in the backyard?

Whatever your dog finds enjoyable, add it to his routine. Fun and achievable activities will take your pet’s disability away from their mind. It will also empower them, showing them that they are not as limited as they might think.

Write it

A routine is only a routine if you do it regularly. Sticking to your routine is the only way for you and your pet to reap the full benefits. Plus, you’ll see what works and what doesn’t and can make productive adjustments.

Digitally documenting or writing down your routine is a great way to make sure you’re sticking to it. You’ll know what activities to do and when with your pet on a daily basis, which fuels consistency.

How to change your routine when needed

Life happens. And when life happens, it usually disrupts the routines we’ve set in stone.

For example, many of us have or will deal with pests in our homes. It can get so bad that you need to get pest control treatments. And many of these treatments are not good for your pet’s health and well-being. You must therefore remove them from your home to keep them safe during pest control treatments.

If your pet’s routine revolves around activities around the house, you will need to make some changes during this time. These two tips can help you change up your pet’s routine without compromising consistency and progress.

Choose similar activities

You don’t want to stray too far from what your pet is already used to when making changes. This could confuse them and prevent them from participating.

If you need to change an activity in your pet’s routine, switch to something similar to what he’s used to. For example, if your usual walking path is under construction, pick another one in the same area that somewhat mirrors the other.

Let’s say you’ve moved and can’t get to the dog park where you used to take your pet. Do your best to find one of the same size and with the same structures and support for their disability. Or, if you need to change the time your pet takes their medication, continue doing exactly what you were doing to have them take their medication at the new time.

Sticking to what your pet is used to will help him get used to the changes you make more quickly.

Go slowly

The last thing you should do is change your pet. It’s best to take it slow and take small steps that will help prepare them for the change.

If you’re moving, take them for a walk in your new neighborhood at least once a week in the months leading up to your move. Add new drugs to their regimen in small doses. Give your pet a few sessions to get to know a new therapist before diving into the actual work.

Take it easy and give your pet time to adjust to any changes.

The essential

Living with a disability can be as difficult for pets as it is for adults. They will need help to navigate and thrive despite their disability. A routine can do that. Create the best for your pet with the tips above, and you’ll both reap huge benefits.

Profile picture of Charlie Fletcher

Guest author:
Charlie Flecher

Charlie Fletcher is a freelance writer and pet parent from the charming “city of trees” – Boise, Idaho. Her love of writing goes hand in hand with her passion for animal rights and her search for truth. You can find more of his writings on his content.

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