You love dogs but can’t convince your parents to give you one. Is this familiar? Well, you can’t really blame your parents. Having a dog is a fun experience, but there are a lot of responsibilities. Dogs require a lot of effort, time and sometimes even money. This is usually the reason why parents decide not to adopt a dog.
But don’t worry, we’re here to help! Here are some things you can do to convince your parents!

Show them your next routine
You will have to give up some of your favorite activities in order to spend enough time with your dog. It’s a big responsibility. You need to let your parents know that you are willing to spend time in dog-related activities and that you are aware of this part of dog ownership. Whether you choose an older dog or a young puppy, both will need food, walks, exercise, grooming, and training. You can explain to your parents that you appreciate the time and effort it takes to raise a happy, healthy, and well-rounded pet by making a list of your daily responsibilities.

Promise (and show!) that you will be responsible
Start with household chores. Without being asked, finish all your chores. Do the dishes, take out the trash, make your bed and tidy up your space. If you complete more tasks, you can even receive additional credits. They’ll be much more likely to say yes if you help out with chores, finish all your schoolwork, and even have time for a part-time job. Avoid actions that will cause them to refuse.

Show your search
Your parents will be impressed when you show off your research on the breed of dog you want. Show them fun facts and research. Explain to them why you want that certain breed. Tell them why a dog could be a perfect addition to your family.

Help with expenses
First of all, adopting is cheaper than buying. And not only did you save money, but you also helped the poor animals waiting to be adopted at the shelter. So you probably want to start telling your parents that. But keep in mind that this is not the only time you will be spending money. Insurance, a collar or harness and leash, a bed, crate, puppy playpen, bowls, and healthy food are all essential for your dog and you should buy them. Develop strategies to help your parents with the expenses of owning a dog. Take part-time jobs delivering newspapers or mowing the lawn. With that, you’ll probably convince your parents to get you a dog!

Explain the benefits of having a dog
There are several reasons why having a dog will be good for your home. You can probably convince your parents by telling them that. For example, having a well-trained dog can help those worried about housebreaking feel more at ease in their minds. When observing unusual activity around the house, most dogs bark. Use these observations to persuade your parents. Let them know that getting a dog will improve your overall home security and make everyone feel safer. Another reason is fitness and health. Everyone’s fitness level will increase if a dog lives in the household, as someone in the household will always be in charge of taking the dog for walks. It’s a win-win situation for everyone, isn’t it?
And There you go! Highlighting the best aspects of having a dog might help. And remember, keep your promises and your words. Walk that talk!