How to Take Great Portraits of Your Pets

Featured on homefriends

The stage is set and you have meticulously created the perfect photo shoot for your furry friend. But somehow, every shot turns out to be a fuzzy mess unworthy of your pet’s considerable beauty. Sigh. It’s a problem all pet photographers know, but luckily there are plenty of tricks you can use to achieve professional-looking pet portraits at home, even with your phone.

Find the right lighting

Wondering how to recreate those gorgeous Instagram photos of pets? The first place is the start is with lighting. Natural light, especially on bright, overcast days, gives your photos a dreamy quality. Good news: it means you have an extra excuse to hang out with your pet!

Another good time to try is ‘golden hour’ – about 30 minutes to an hour after sunrise or before sunset, when you’ll get beautiful pink lighting that will make any subject shine.

Finally, if inspiration strikes but the sunlight outside is too strong, try shooting near an open window or door. This allows natural light to flood in without the unpleasant overhead shadows.

It’s all in the eyes

Photo courtesy of Diamond Naturals customer Victoria Simmons.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and this is especially true for pets. Animals are well known for their expressive eyes, and when they’re the focus of a photograph, any shot can become dramatic and more interesting.

When making the eyes a focal point, be sure to avoid using flash for a softer look. It also helps to keep the surroundings relatively uncluttered so that nothing else gets in the way of the focus of the shot.

Take them by surprise

Probably the hardest part of pet photography is getting your energetic creature to stay still long enough to take a decent shot. A trick that can help you solve this problem is to surprise them.

Let your pet play for a few minutes while you get everything ready, then call or whistle to get their attention. With this tactic, you will only have a few seconds to capture a portrait, but with practice you can achieve perfect shots. This technique will also allow you to capture your animal in its natural environment.

Holding a treat up high can also entice your dog to sit still long enough for a great shot.

Put yourself on their level

Close-up of a dog chewing a stick |  Diamond Pet Foods

Photo courtesy of Diamond Pet Foods customer Stephanie Odell.

Whether you’re posing your pet in a fun way or trying to snap photos of him doing his thing, we’re guessing the ideal photo doesn’t involve the top of his head or his back.

Getting down to your dog or cat is a great way to find the dramatic and personal shots you’re looking for.

The next time your pet is in an ideal position for a photo shoot, try lying on the floor or on the ground to capture that photo.

Character photography

Dog participating in the platform jumping contest |  Diamond Pet Foods

Photo courtesy of Diamond Extreme Athlete customer GC Kondracki.

Whether your pet is a couch potato or a little ball of energy, your fur baby has a unique personality. And with the right technique, you can capture that personality in your photography.

Take the time to identify your pet’s character type and try to recreate it or catch it in the act. Some fun ideas include taking photos of your dog playing his favorite game or taking a portrait of your cat as he lounges in his favorite sunny spot.

It’s time to take some shots

Do you have photos of your pets that you are proud of? Show them off on our Facebook page today and every #FanPhotoFriday!

*Cover picture – Here’s a great example of soft outdoor lighting in this photo courtesy of Diamond Naturals customer Andie Mahoney.

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