Loss of mobility in cats: causes and solutions

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As cats age, they may slow down or have difficulty walking, and any changes in their mobility can affect their physical and mental health. Cats need freedom to explore the world around them, both inside and outside the home. Here are a few simple things every cat parent should know to help their cat stay active.

Symptoms of Feline Mobility Problems

If you’re concerned that your cat is in pain or has mobility issues, watch for major changes in her behavior and lifestyle. Many factors can contribute to these changes. It is therefore important to work closely with your veterinarian if your cat begins to exhibit any of the following signs.

  • Changes in grooming habits
  • sleep more often
  • Increased aggressiveness: biting and scratching when touched
  • Shallow breathing
  • Decrease in energy level
  • Weak back legs
  • Limp or change of gait
  • Difficulty or slowing down stairs
  • Dilated pupils
  • Arched spine
  • Less eager to jump or inability to reach higher surfaces

A cat will mask its pain, so the normal symptoms you would see in a dog are not the same signs of pain a cat will show. Signs of loss of mobility in cats can vary, your best course of action is to be on the lookout for behavioral changes.

Causes of Cat Loss of Mobility or Cat Paralysis

Paralysis in cats is often a sign of an underlying health problem. A cat’s mobility can be partially affected, temporarily or permanently if left untreated. A cat’s paralysis may mean that it cannot move its legs or lose mobility in a specific part of the body such as the tail or neck. Just because your cat drags its hind legs doesn’t mean it’s in pain. There are many cases where cats drag their hind legs and feel no pain, it just depends on the underlying condition that is causing the paralysis. Here are the feline health conditions that can impact how your cat moves:

Arthritis in Cats

improved mobility for paralyzed cats

Arthritis is by far the most common disease in cats, but with its slow onset, the signs can easily go unnoticed. 30% of cats over the age of 8 suffer from arthritis pain and this number increases dramatically in cats over the age of 12 to 90% of the feline population.

Degenerative joint disease (DJD) and osteoarthritis occur when the cartilage in your cat’s joints weakens and breaks down. This joint deterioration leads to painful joint inflammation.

Feline diabetes

Just like in humans, older and overweight cats can be prone to diabetes. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to difficulty walking and standing due to diabetic nerve damage. In addition to mobility issues, diabetic cats are at high risk of developing vision problems and going blind.

Thrombus in the saddle

Saddle thrombus occurs when a cat has decreased blood flow to the legs caused by the dislodgement of a blood clot and becomes trapped in the pelvic end of the aorta. Occurring most often in cats with heart disease, the symptoms can be treated by your veterinarian by dissolving the clot and managing your cat’s pain. Once treated, your cat’s mobility should return to normal.

Dr. Justin Padgett DVM, Associate Veterinarian at Branchville Animal Hospital and Kitty Cat Tips, Saddle thrombus is an especially difficult diagnosis, “Cases of saddle thrombus (aortic thromboembolism) are heartbreaking. They are not rewarding to treat and the majority of these cats are euthanized due to the pain and discomfort as well as the resulting paralysis. They also have a high recurrence rate if successfully treated.

cat wheelchair for paralyzed cat
Walkin’ Wheels Cat Wheelchair
Walkin' Lift Rear Harness
Walkin’ Lift Rear Harness
A paralyzed cat wears a carrier bag to protect its legs
Carry bag on foot

traumatic injury

A traumatic injury such as a bad fall or being hit by a car is a common cause of paralysis in cats. Trauma can leave a cat with broken legs, a broken pelvis, or a severe spinal injury, which can cause a cat to become paralyzed.

Kidney disease in cats

Cats with advanced kidney disease may experience weakness in their hind legs. More often than not, the hind legs look wobbly or twist unexpectedly under your cat.

Neurological and vertebral disorders

feline wheelchair for disabled cat

Back injuries, including herniated discs, and neurological conditions are not uncommon in cats and can occur at any age. Spinal injuries can be especially dangerous in cats as some felines will try to mask the problem.

Other spinal conditions can occur as a result of infection, inflammation of the nerves or muscles, or even cancer.

Consult your veterinarian immediately if your cat begins to drag a paw, is unable to move its paws, or seems unable to stand.

Other feline mobility conditions include: cerebellar hypoplasia, IVDD, paralysis, and loss of mobility due to trauma or injury.

Mobility Loss Solutions for Cats

Supporting your cat’s mobility and keeping it active is essential to a cat’s quality of life.

Wheelchairs for cats

Just like dogs, cats can experience sudden paralysis or hind leg weakness and a cat wheelchair is the ideal mobility solution. Cat wheelchairs allow disabled and paralyzed cats to run, play and get the exercise they need. A feline wheelchair supports your cat to stand, walk and run so they can regain their independence.

Additional benefits of a cat wheelchair include:

  • Improved mental health
  • Helps cats rebuild their strength
  • Rehabilitation support after injury or surgery
  • Prevents muscle atrophy
  • More exercise means better bodily function

A disabled cat can benefit greatly from the assistive support of a mobility cart.

There are two types of cat wheelchairs: the rear support wheelchair and the full support wheelchair. Here’s how you chose the right wheelchair for your cat:

Rear wheelchair for cats

A rear wheelchair is perfect for cats with weak or paralyzed rear legs. The wheelchair supports their rear end allowing your cat to continue moving easily. A cat wheelchair will help a disabled cat stand and walk during rehabilitation. Not only does a wheelchair make it easier for a cat to get around, it can also support feline mobility.

Full Support Cat Wheelchair

Four Wheel Cat Wheelchair

For cats that need support for both their front and back legs, the quad wheelchair is ideal. With front and rear wheels, your cat is fully supported. A four-wheeled cart helps cats maintain their balance and stay supported while exercising.

Even some cats that are only handicapped in the hind legs will do better with a 4-wheel wheelchair. With their whole body supported, some cats are more comfortable. The added support of the front wheels makes it easier to move and allows them to move more naturally.

Improve cat mobility with a wheelchair

According to Dr. Padgett, “Paralyzed cats can learn to move with assistance in indoor and open space just as well as dogs. I’ve had cats with intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) who became paralyzed and probably would have done well with a wheelchair An owner of a paralyzed cat who is considering mobility and needs to be 100% committed and able to spend a lot of time with the animal The animal will likely need assistance with urination and defecate, will need to be cleaned often, and will need to be watched to make sure he doesn’t get stuck somewhere he can’t escape.

Cat Wheelchair Accessories

Drag the bag – the drag bag is perfect for indoor cats to carry when not using the Walkin’ Wheels. Protect their legs and chest from scrapping injuries.

front vest – the Walkin’ Front Vest is a great alternative to the standard wheelchair harness, perfect for escape cats that can slip out of most harnesses.

belly support – this neoprene belly support wraps around the side bars of the wheelchair and supports the center of your cat’s body. Ideal for cats with spinal disease or a weak back.

Above all, be patient with your cat. Some cats need a little more time to adjust to using a wheelchair. Once they get used to it and realize that the wheelchair helps them explore the world around them, they’ll never want to take it off!

Cat wheelchair buy now

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