Mobility Issues in Geriatric Dogs: Your Questions Answered

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My elderly dog ​​can no longer climb stairs. How can I help them?

Dogs of all ages can feel unsafe on stairs, but in older dogs this feeling can be amplified by loss of strength, muscle atrophy and balance issues. Your senior dog will need help getting up and down the stairs safely. Get a lifting harness with a handle that you can use to support and guide your dog up and down stairs. Walk beside them and hold on to the handle to help your dog up the stairs and prevent him from slipping.

Going down stairs can be even trickier for an older pet. If you notice your dog picking up speed as he climbs the stairs, it’s a sign that he may not have complete control over himself. This is a telltale sign that your dog should not go down the stairs without your help.

My dog ​​can’t jump in the car on his own. Is there a safe way to lift them?

Owner Lifts Senior Dog Into Car Using Buddy Up Harness

As dogs age, their hind legs lose strength and sore joints can make it difficult to jump into a car. And if you have a big dog, you can easily injure yourself picking it up off the floor. Senior dogs who can walk unassisted can use special dog stairs or ramps to get in and out of the car.

However, an older dog with more advanced mobility issues may need your help and support getting into the car. A lifting harness that supports your dog’s chest and hind legs will allow you to safely lift your dog into the car without straining your back. The Buddy Up Front Harness provides optimal support over your dog’s entire upper body, including the chest, torso and under the rib cage. When worn with the matching rear harness, you will have two handles, one at the shoulder blade and another at the rear of your pet, for balanced support.

Walking on the floor makes my dog ​​slip. What should I do?

Indoor dog boots

Slipping on hardwood or tile floors is a common problem for older dogs. Paw care is the first step. Your pet’s claws should still be trimmed and trimmed regularly. Nails that are too long can impact your dog’s ability to properly place their paws on the ground. Also check your dog’s paw pads regularly. Hair growing between your dog’s pads needs to be groomed regularly. Long hair can prevent your dog from grabbing the floor.

Dog boots can be worn inside the house to give your pet extra traction. Look for a boot with a rubber sole with tread to help your dog walk on slippery floors. Your dog may not need to wear boots on all fours. Some older dogs will only wear boots on their hind legs. This makes it easier for them to gain the traction they need to stand up and walk unaided.

Long walks around the neighborhood tire my old dog. How can I help them walk?

Pet Parent Walking with Older Dog in Wheelchair by Walkin' Pets

Dogs need exercise, and when a once active dog is unable to take a daily walk, it can impact their mental and physical health. Over time, an inactive dog may become depressed, sleep more often, gain weight, and lose muscle mass.

An older dog that tires before the end of its walk may have joint problems and leg weakness. All of this can make it difficult for a dog to exercise.

A dog wheelchair can be the answer to getting your dog back on his feet and enjoying long walks again. A rear carriage supports a dog just below its hind legs and supports them from below. This allows your dog to easily walk on all fours. Canine carts have many advantages. The wheelchair support relieves pressure on the dog’s rear, which can keep the older dog active longer. Just because a dog starts using a wheelchair doesn’t mean he will depend on it full time. Many geriatric dogs will only use a wheelchair when exercising and may not need to rely on the cart all the time.

My geriatric dog is slowing down. Is it a natural part of aging?

Slowing down can be a natural part of a dog’s aging. But more likely, it’s a sign that an animal’s health and mobility needs have changed. If you notice behavioral changes in your dog, such as:

  • sleep more
  • play less
  • Loss of interest in being active

Take note and contact your veterinarian. These changes in behavior and activity levels may mean that there could be an underlying problem that needs to be addressed.

How do you help an older dog get up?

Pup French Bull Dog climbing his front stairs with a dog rear support leash assisted by his pet parent

Struggling to get up or off the ground is incredibly common and often the very first sign that a senior dog is experiencing a loss of mobility. Fortunately, there are simple mobility devices to help your dog stand.

The Up-n-Go Back Support Leash is a simple lifting device that features two padded loops attached to a handle. While your dog is lying on the floor, slip a loop over each of your dog’s hind legs and gently lift the handle to help your dog stand. Once your dog is stable on his feet, you can remove the support leash. If your dog still needs help, you can continue to support and help him outside.

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