Natural Remedies for Your Dog or Cat’s Intestinal Problems

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From diarrhea to loss of appetite, intestinal problems are common in dogs and cats. Here are some natural remedies that relieve symptoms and help heal the digestive tract.

Gastrointestinal disorders, chronic reflux or diarrhea, bloody stools and inflammatory bowel disease. These are some of the most common gut health issues seen in veterinary offices and on social media sites for dog and cat care. Unfortunately, many animals suffer for months or years from chronic problems while their caregivers become increasingly frustrated with the lack of solutions. Whether your dog or cat has occasional or persistent problems, there are many natural remedies that can help heal their gut and lessen symptoms.

Signs of bowel problems

The gut partners with the immune system. When the gut is unhealthy, the immune system cannot function properly. More obvious signs of bowel health issues may include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, bloody or mucoid stools, and weight loss.

What can be harder to diagnose is leaky gut syndrome. This problem occurs when the cells that line the digestive tract become inflamed and swollen. When these cells swell, the junctions between them open, allowing particles of undigested food, infectious organisms, chemicals, and toxins to enter the bloodstream from the intestines. This can lead to allergies, chronic ear infections, food sensitivities, autoimmune diseases, behavioral problems, and chronic inflammation throughout the body.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to start repairing and rebuilding your dog’s or cat’s gut to improve their overall health.

5 ways to improve gut health

1. Probiotics

The normal microbiome (microbial population in the gut) consists of both good (beneficial) and bad (pathogenic) bacteria. In a healthy population, the good bacteria far outnumber the bad. Probiotics are the good bacteria that help fight infection and inflammation. There are different species of probiotics for different species of animals. If your dog or cat does not respond to the probiotic you provide, try another microbial population that may be better suited to their individual needs. Sometimes it takes some trial and error to find the right combination. Some animals will respond better to soil probiotics.

2. Prebiotics

This is a type of fiber that serves as food for probiotics. The good bacteria would starve and die if they didn’t have a food source. Prebiotics include chicory, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), oligofructose, inulin and larch arabinogalactan. Animals consuming plant-based diets high in natural fiber and indigestible oligosaccharides may not need additional prebiotics, but those consuming meat-based diets will generally benefit from prebiotics to help normalize their gut microbiome. Prebiotics can be given to all dogs and cats, but may provide the greatest benefits to the elderly, those receiving antibiotics, and animals that are obese or have diabetes.

3. Digestive enzymes

These enzymes are secreted by the salivary glands and the cells lining the stomach, pancreas and small intestine. They break down large protein (protease), carbohydrate (amylase) and fat (lipase) molecules into small molecules that can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream and used by body cells. Digestive enzymes can be added through supplements, but are also found naturally in foods such as pineapple, papaya, fermented foods, and pancreas. Animals that can benefit most from digestive enzymes are those with EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency), those with pancreatic damage due to chronic pancreatitis, diabetics and the elderly.

Digestive enzymes can be added through supplements, but are also found naturally in foods such as pineapple, papaya, fermented foods, and pancreas.

4. Fecal transplants

Animals suffering from chronic diarrhea, antibiotic abuse and poor diet may benefit from transplantation of healthy intestinal contents from a healthy animal. A fecal transplant will provide a more diverse population of probiotics than a supplement can provide.

5. Amino acids

These can prevent and cure leaky gut, as well as influence the diversity and activity of bacteria present in the gut microbiome.

  • Glutamine and N-acetyl cysteine ​​(with the help of zinc) help reduce intestinal inflammation, restore intestinal health, and repair the tight junction integrity of the intestinal mucosa. Glutamine deficiency leads to cell destruction in the small intestine, mucosal ulcerations, and impaired immune cell function in the intestines, leading to greater susceptibility to infections.
  • Threonine is also important for the integrity of the intestinal barrier.
  • Glycine, which is used in the small intestine to synthesize the antioxidant glutathione, plays a protective role in intestinal immune and antioxidant responses.

If your dog or cat shows persistent or recurring signs of intestinal issues, be sure to get them checked out by a veterinarian to determine the root cause. Incorporating these natural remedies into her treatment regimen will help her feel better again.

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