Springboro Dog Shooting Case’s surviving dog is now available for adoption

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One of two dogs who survived the June Springboro cruelty case, in which nine dogs were put down, is now looking for a new home.

Trooper, the three-legged German Shepherd, has survived numerous surgeries, including the amputation of his forelimb. He has been in foster care for several weeks.

Trooper’s foster family helps him maintain his weight and manage his activity level so he doesn’t strain his other three legs. Despite everything that’s happened to Trooper, he’s a happy, healthy dog.

Emily Danskin, staff member of ANNA Shelter, said: “He is always happy to see people. It is very malleable. He can be quiet when alone in a room. He can go out and be energetic. He moderates a bit, but I just think his flexibility and adaptability has been remarkable.

On June 28, ANNA Shelter was called to a home in the 25000 block of Reeds Corner Road in Springboro. Nine German Shepherds were shot in the head; two of the animals survived, while the other seven died.

On August 10 in Linesville, a preliminary hearing was held for suspect Skyler Martin, 21.

Anyone interested in adopting Trooper can contact the ANNA Shelter in Erie at (814) 451-0230.

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