Try to limit the amount of company you have for the first few weeks to make the process less stressful for FIDO.
Give your dog time to adjust. Like any new relationship, this one also requires time, patience and understanding and each dog warms up at their own pace, which may differ from expectations.
A change in environment can trigger temporary behavior problems. For example, some dogs will urinate in unexpected places, while others might want to chew on things. Some dogs may feel overwhelmed at first and want to hide or run away while others adopt a more defensive stance. As “workhorses,” dogs will test you to find out where they fit in your family’s social hierarchy. Living in a cage provides little stimulation. In a new environment, a dog may become overstimulated and become “irritable” or hyperactive.
Ask for help. The North Shore Animal League America team is committed to making your adoption a success. We offer support for behavioral issues through orientation classes, low-cost group training classes, private trainings, educational materials, and telephone support. For more information about our pet behavior services, visit or call 516-883-7900 ext. 342.