Majestic, graceful and affectionate, Greyhounds are a gentle breed. Built for speed and agility, sighthounds are prized pets. Known for their fast speed and running abilities, these docile dogs truly make the best companions.
In addition to being exceptionally fast, Greyhounds are extremely well-behaved and obedient. Some consider Greyhounds the cheetah of dogs. Their slender bodies are full of energy and these dogs require plenty of exercise. Greyhounds like to be outdoors and run free.
They are particularly good at chasing and catching prey. This is why Greyhounds are excellent hunting partners. This noble purebred dog has its roots in ancient Egypt. The pharaohs kept hunting dogs very similar to modern greyhounds.
Physical Characteristics of Greyhounds
Greyhounds have a slender build. They can reach a height of 27 to 30 inches and weigh around 60 to 70 pounds.
Their body has an aerodynamic quality that allows them to run at high speeds when chasing. On top of that, Greyhounds have muscular bodies with little fat. Greyhounds are dog track and field athletes.
The coat is smooth, short and easy to maintain. Greyhounds do not shed much and their fur requires limited grooming.
Most Greyhounds have a life expectancy of 10 to 13 years. All of these physical characteristics indicate that Greyhounds are a tough breed.
Monitoring Symptoms in Aging Greyhounds
Aging brings major changes no matter how strong and healthy a dog is. Greyhounds are no different. As a dog’s body ages, it becomes fragile and more prone to disease.
A nutritious diet, regular physical activity and a nurturing environment can improve quality of life and increase longevity; however, they cannot stop or reverse the aging process. Aging weakens the body. Here are some telltale signs of aging and health issues you should be aware of for your Greyhound.
Modified routine
Dogs love discipline. They like to follow a routine because it’s predictable and easy to follow. That’s why your dog probably has a set schedule for sleep, meals, and playtime.
Something is probably wrong if you start to notice your Greyhound straying from the routine. Changing sleep patterns, such as sleeping late, is a major sign.
Another is a change in eating habits. Greyhounds generally need a lot of nutrition because they are large dogs with a muscular build. With age or illness, your dog may have a reduced appetite.
Increased inactivity and lethargy are also alarming. Greyhounds especially like to exercise and be active. Changing patterns of activity should be monitored and studied.
Physical appearance
Symptoms of health issues can show up in the form of changes in your Greyhound’s physical appearance. If you notice that your dog is losing tone and gaining weight, it is best to consult the veterinarian.
Greyhounds are naturally lean. However, age can cause them to lose or gain weight. Weight loss can occur due to a loss of appetite that accompanies aging. While weight gain can result from underlying conditions such as arthritis. Arthritis is common in Greyhounds, which severely limits their activity and ability to exercise.
Changes in your dog’s physical appearance should be noted, even if they are insignificant. Major health issues can be detected early, which means corrective action can be taken without delay.
Behavioral changes
Dogs are consistent in their behavior. Once habits are formed, they become part of your dog’s nature. A change in these behaviors and habits is indicative of health problems. If your Greyhounds start having “accidents” despite being potty trained.
Likewise, not following commands or instructions is a sign of cognitive decline. As dogs age, their mental abilities deteriorate.
Dogs may not be able to talk, but they are great at communicating pain and discomfort. Decreased physical activity, lack of enjoyment during recess, and vocal expression of discomfort are common signs of pain.
Greyhounds, in particular, suffer from joint pain. A study of 420 Greyhounds indicates that aging resulted in a loss of calcium, potassium and inorganic phosphorus. The loss of these minerals weakens the bones and increases the risk of arthritis. Pain is the main symptom of arthritis.
Arthritis pain goes beyond discomfort. It can become so unbearable that your dog may stop performing basic physical tasks. So watch out for signs of pain before the disease progresses and forces your Greyhound to limit its movement.
Foul breath or body odor
Regularly brushing your Greyhound’s teeth is a basic requirement for oral hygiene. This is why your dog should not have bad breath. If you notice bad breath, chances are your dog has cavities or other dental issues.
Dental issues should be resolved immediately. Delayed treatment can make the situation worse and have a serious impact on your dog’s appetite.
With proper grooming and regular bathing, your dog shouldn’t smell bad. Unless they’ve been playing outside in the trash, foul body odor is not to be taken lightly. Investigate why your dog smells bad even though you bathe him regularly.
Unusual lumps
Besides arthritis, greyhounds are prone to cancer. Cancers can spread quickly if not detected early. Even then, cancer treatment is quite painful.
Cancer cells multiply rapidly and cluster in an affected area. This is why lumps or bumps may form.
Part of regularly grooming your dog is brushing his coat and giving him a massage. This allows you to care for their coat and relax them. It also helps detect unusual lumps that may form.
Aging with Greyhounds
Aging is a natural part of the development of all living organisms. It’s no different in dogs. As Greyhounds age, they exhibit the typical signs of aging, weakness, reduced cognitive function, delayed reflexes, and general mental and physical decline.
It is impossible to avoid aging. However, you can ensure that your dog remains reasonably healthy by closely monitoring his physical and mental health. Acting quickly and giving them timely attention can help improve their condition and make the aging process less painful and difficult.
The most important thing you can do for your dog is to give him attention and care. This is especially true as they get older; giving your dog a good quality of life is necessary to improve his well-being and make aging less difficult.