Go Green This Holiday – Dogster

Featured on homefriends

As the holiday season approaches, you might be inspired to create lots of edible treats in your kitchen, under the watchful gaze of your loyal dog. No need to make your dog green with envy. Why not fortify it by offering healthy green foods?

Not all green-colored foods are safe for your canine companion, which is why dogster contacted two leading veterinarians to identify safe and unsafe greens.

Dr. Justine Lee of Twin Cities, Minnesota, the nation’s only board-certified veterinary specialist in toxicology and emergency critical care medicine, comes to the (food) plate with answers. Board-certified veterinary nutritionist Dr. Lindsey Bullen, who practices at Blue Pearl Veterinary Specialty Hospital in Cary, North Carolina, also offers advice.

Both experts are on a mission to make sure your dog has a happy vacation in your home — not an emergency vet clinic.

“I definitely see more dogs coming to our ER over the holidays,” says Dr. Lee, who is also the general manager of VETgirl and hosts the ER Vet show weekly on Pet Life Radio.

She also points out that in the 2020 Top Toxins Report released by the Animal Poison Control Center, unsafe human foods for dogs rank third, behind over-the-counter and prescription human drugs.

good greens

This list of safe green foods for dogs gets the healthy green light because these foods are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. You’ll find them in dog food or you can give a small amount as a treat:

  • Green beans
  • Spinach
  • kale
  • Celery
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumber
  • seaweed
  • Spirulina

Another benefit of formula is that they are low in calories and help dogs feel full and not gain weight while on vacation.

Some dogs like to snack on raw, cleaned greens, making this a safe list, especially green beans. If your dog takes a pass, Dr. Bullen recommends trying steaming these vegetables and letting them cool before adding them as toppings to your dog’s meal.

If possible, buy organically grown vegetables to ensure that no pesticides or chemicals were added during the growing process.

Even if you like butter, olive oil, and spices added to your greens, serve them plain to your dog to avoid any issues, such as stomach upset, vomiting, or diarrhea.

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Look out for those greens

Which human green foods should never be given to dogs?

Green grapes. In fact, all shades of grapes and raisins. These high-sugar fruits can cause acute kidney problems if ingested by dogs. Additionally, grapes can cause choking and block a dog’s airway, causing it to stop breathing and collapse.

Here are some green foods that are non-toxic, but definitely not 100% safe for dogs:

Lawyers. Dr. Lee points out that avocados are not toxic to dogs, but are deadly to birds and livestock due to a fungicide called persin. Dogs seem to be more resistant to persin than birds and cattle.

“If your dog eats an entire bowl of guacamole, he might have an upset stomach,” says Dr. Lee. “The biggest danger is the pit which can get stuck in the stomach and intestines and put a dog in permanent danger.”

Dr. Bullen adds, “Avocados have wonderful nutritional properties and are sources of good fats. But my concern is the slippery pit. I tread carefully and don’t give my dog ​​Heidi avocados.

Raw asparagus. A dog may experience mild gastrointestinal distress if he eats a lot of these green sprigs. Another negative point: a large part of the nutrients is lost when you cook asparagus. And remember: Any person or dog that eats asparagus produces urine with a pungent odor.

How many safe greens should you give your dog during the holidays or at any time of the year?

“To play it safe, make sure it’s less than 10 percent of the dog’s diet to reduce the risk of any gastrointestinal distress,” Dr. Bullen says.

Farewell advice from Dr. Lee: Pre-program your cell phone with the phone numbers for your local veterinary clinic, the nearest veterinary emergency hospital and the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline (888-426-4435 and aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control).

“In a pet emergency, minutes count,” she says. “Always call ahead, so the vet team can be ready when you and your dog arrive.”

Put a little “green” in your basket:

Zuke’s Superfood Blend with Great Greens; $7.49. | zukes.com or chewy.com

Dr. Harvey’s Veg to Bowl; $36.95. | dharveys.com

Because, Animals Omega & Probiotic Sprinkles for Dogs; $24. | caranimals.com

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