Tips for use and top brands – Dogster

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It’s trendy to add bright colors to your hair. So why not let your pooch ride that wave of beauty with a pet-safe dye? You can match the colors with your dog for special occasions, seasonal entertainment and sporting events.

Can I use human hair dye on my dog? Is it safe for pets?

Never use human hair dyes on your dog. Look for dyes made specifically for pets for home use. These usually come in the form of colored shampoos, blow-out pens (you physically blow the color onto your dog), and chalks.

“Most pet-safe dyes are known as deposition dyes,” says Helen Schaefer, NCMG, CCE, Styling Services Specialist and Master Groomer for Heart + Paw Grooming Specialists. “They work by delivering a highly concentrated pigment into the hair shaft which hooks to the outside of the cortex, below the cuticle. They do not contain peroxide and therefore do not cause damage as they work by ‘staining’ the hair. It’s like spilling red wine on a lighter fabric,” she adds.

The duration of a color depends on the texture of the coat and the color used. And, there is no way to predict the delay. They can last for weeks. Naturally, pet-safe dyes work best on a white coat.

Do pet-safe dyes work on dark fur?

“Because these dyes don’t cause chemical changes in the hair, they show up better on slightly curly/coarse hair and work better on hair that has less shine,” says Helen.

“For example, the color will hold better on a Bichon than on a cream Labrador. Likewise, they will work better on a light colored Goldendoodle than a smooth Jack Russell Terrier. They can also work on darker coats, but in the sun it will look like a “color tint,” she adds.

The Best Dye Brands That Are Safe For Pets

When looking for a pet-safe tincture, choose a product you can trust. Brands that master groomers are giving a thumbs up to include:

  • Crazy Liberty offers several color options of shampoos and gels to temporarily change the color of your dog’s hair and a range of “permanent” dyes that the company says last more than 24 washes. They also sell an airbrush line and stencil set ($119.90) for spraying specific sections or patterns on your dog’s fur. Check website for price ranges.
  • Dog grooming and products company Warren London recently launched a range called Warren London Canine Color which features a selection of eight vibrant semi-permanent shades that fade gently with washes; $16.99 for each color. This is in addition to its Critter Color line of temporary pet fur color shampoos.
  • Davis Studio Color Blow Pens for Pet Hair Color has a pack of 12 Blow Pens for freehand drawing or using stencils. These temporary colors come out with one wash; $20.95.

How to use pet-safe dye

Groomer Helen Shaefer shares 5 tips for dyeing your pet’s hair at home.

  • Always wear gloves and use old towels
  • For blowout pens, chalk and color sprays, hold the hair you intend to color with one hand while applying the color from the box, blowout pen or chalk to the strands
  • Brush on the color with a small, soft brush and repeat as needed to achieve the desired effect. Rub it in if you use chalk.
  • To dye the top of an animal’s head without affecting the eyes and ears, pour color in the middle of where you want it and pull the hair into the “puddle of color” using a standard hair dye brush.
  • Avoid getting too close to the eyes. To be on the safe side, use a protective lubricant for the eyes, such as the one based on mineral oil sold in pharmacies. Also avoid putting it in mucous membrane areas, such as the nose and mouth. Also be careful around the genitals and paw pads.

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