How medical marijuana can improve your cat’s health.
Cannabis, also known as medical marijuana, remains a controversial topic. But more and more people are realizing how effective it is in treating symptoms of many human diseases, from cancer and AIDS to multiple sclerosis, pain disorders, glaucoma, epilepsy and more. . Cannabis is also used to help treat pets, including cats, and for many similar conditions, such as seizures, pain and inflammation, cancer symptoms, and even behavioral issues.
Medical Benefits of Cannabis in Cats
Although there are hundreds of known compounds in the cannabis plant, the two most important are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is responsible for the “high” in recreational drug users and is also useful for controlling pain and stimulating the appetite. CBD has no psychoactive properties and helps relieve inflammation, anxiety, seizures and more.
Cannabinoid receptors are found in almost every tissue in the body and brain. These receptors are part of the mammalian endocannabinoid system, which includes the brain and the central and peripheral nervous systems. The receptors respond to compounds found in cannabis, acting separately but holistically with other receptor systems in the body. Because there are so many of these receptors, cannabis can help with so many conditions. Medical marijuana can:
- Control chronic pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis and FIC/FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease).
- Acts as a neuroprotective agent, reducing the frequency and intensity of seizures.
- Reduces nausea and stimulates appetite.
- Reduce symptoms associated with cancer
- Helps reduce the severity of dementia.
- Reduce bronchial spasms in asthmatics
- Decrease anxiety, which can help correct or modify behavior problems.
- Support the immune system for conditions such as food allergies and immune-mediated diseases.
Veterinarian Dr. Sarah Brandon, founder of Canna Companion USA, a maker of cannabis supplements for pets, noticed an unexpected “side benefit” of cannabis in cats. “We gave it to several older kittens with joint discomfort and a history of FIC (feline interstitial cystitis),” she explains. “All responded well regarding their joint pain, but the surprise came after two months of supplementation when their FIC symptoms also resolved.”
Dr. Brandon isn’t sure if this was due to the cats’ lower stress levels and/or their improved mobility – or if the cannabinoids had direct anti-inflammatory actions on the cats’ bladders. “It’s probably a bit of everything, especially as new research indicates that certain cannabis metabolites are great for supporting urinary tract health. Anyway, the cats are now more comfortable and their quality of life has improved on many levels, which is all we wanted for them.
Veterinarian Dr. Patrick Mahaney has also seen the benefits of cannabis in his patients, as well as in his own dog. However, he recommends consulting a holistic or integrative veterinarian before giving any cannabis product to your cat – good advice when it comes to any new supplements.
Cannabis products
Cannabis supplements for pets (sometimes called hemp supplements) come in capsule or tincture form and are formulated to enhance the medical benefits of cannabis without causing a “high.” However, Dr. Mahaney says not all products are the same. “Some are sedating or stimulating, depending on the amounts of CBD and/or THC,” he says — another important reason to talk to a vet before giving your cat cannabis.
Cannabis is generally not intended to be a stand-alone treatment for any condition, and tends to work best when given in conjunction with other treatments. Cannabis supplementation may allow for a reduction in medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, which can have significant adverse side effects.
Very few side effects are associated with cannabis, as long as it is used correctly. The most common is mild lethargy, which usually subsides within three or four days. Products that use the whole plant may result in softer stools and more frequent bowel movements in sensitive cats, due to the increased fiber content. Rarely, vomiting or increased itching of the skin may be observed; in these cases, it may be necessary to stop using cannabis.
Dr. Brandon says she’s excited about the future of cannabis for cats. “I think within two or three years it will be a commonly offered option in veterinary hospitals for pain and inflammation reduction, neurological disorders, and mild behavioral issues,” she says. “It’s not a panacea and we’re certainly not advocating stopping [other treatments] without consulting your cat’s veterinarian. But cannabis has its place in the feline world and we will see more of it over time.
Important note
Keep in mind that current laws do not allow veterinarians to prescribe medical marijuana to their patients. However, cat owners can purchase and administer it in capsule or tincture form. In fact, cannabis should only be given to cats and dogs in supplement form, and never by feeding them plants or exposing them to smoke. The latter can lead to a toxic overdose.