Noni has great potential for the treatment and possible prevention of many diseases in pets.
Noni fruit is simply amazing. It has been used for centuries throughout the Pacific region, not only for food, but also for its health benefits. Noni is reported to have a wide range of therapeutic effects that can benefit dogs and cats as well as humans, and it shows great promise when it comes to treating and possibly even preventing many diseases. degenerative.
What is Noni and where does it come from?
Noni is the common name of Morinda citrifolia, also called Indian mulberry, No no Or Nocheese fruitMengkudu, Bingkudu And Together in various cultures. It was an important part of the diet in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, Australia and India. In Polynesian tales, heroes and heroines used Noni to survive starvation. Noni has also been used for many ailments in people including kidney disease, diabetes, burns, broken bones and more.
What makes Noni so healthy?
The Noni plant contains a wide range of nutrients, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, anti-neoplastic, anti-parasitic, tranquilizing and immunomodulating substances. Different parts of the plant have different chemical compositions.
Noni contains over 160 phytochemicals, including phenolics, organic acids, and alkaloids. Researchers are also discovering additional new compounds. Here are some of the main components that may be responsible for the benefits of Noni:
- Xeronine – A plant alkaloid similar to bromelain found in pineapple. It activates proteins and enzymes such as pro-collagenase and protease, which help heal damaged tissues, thereby preventing further diseases. The ingestion of Noni also causes a feeling of well-being because it increases the release of endorphins by the brain.
- Scopoletin – Dilates the vascular system and is antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and histamine inhibitor. It is also a serotonin modulator.
- Anthraquinones — Antiseptic and antibacterial.
- Carotene, vitamins A and C, potassium, rutin, flavone glycosides – All of these are free radical scavengers.
- Essential Fatty Acids – Good for skin and coat health.
- Polysaccharides – Immuno-stimulants, immuno-modulators and anti-tumors; may play a role in the cancer-fighting benefits of Noni.
Noni can help with a range of conditions
1. Bacterial or fungal infections
Research has shown that Noni offers significant antimicrobial and antifungal activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus morgaii, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella, H. pylori, A. niger, C. albicans, T. mentagrophytes And Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
It also interferes with the serum-induced morphological conversion of Candida albicans of cellular yeast into a filamentous form in vitro, and inhibits the germination of nesting shelter spores.
I have successfully treated bacterial diarrhea, as well as ear and skin infections with just noni.
2. Cancer
Noni has great potential to scavenge reactive oxygen free radicals and decrease lipid peroxidation, thereby reducing the risk of cancer. It would be useful to include Noni in the daily diet of breeds susceptible to cancer and in dogs living with heavy cigarette smokers. Unspayed geriatric cats or bitches can benefit from daily noni to prevent breast cancer.
Once cancer is diagnosed, noni is a useful addition to any treatment protocol due to its synergistic properties affecting the immune system. It can be used in the treatment of breast and lung cancers, lymphomas and liver cancers.
Several clinical studies have demonstrated the synergistic actions of Noni with chemotherapeutic drugs.
3. Pain
Noni can be used alone or in combination with other herbs such as boswellia serrata Or Cannabis for pain control in dogs and cats.
Additionally, making lotions and shampoos with fruit or leaf extracts can help with localized skin soreness (more on topical applications below).
4. Liver problems
Since noni contains many types of antioxidants, it may act synergistically when used with other antioxidants and hepatoprotective herbs, and may prove beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver, acute and chronic hepatitis and possibly liver cancer. A recently discovered neolignan compound in Noni called american has been shown to be a powerful free radical scavenger.
5. Pests
Although I haven’t used Noni to treat parasites, it has a long history of insecticide and anthelmintic use. Many ripe fruits such as noni contain octanoic acid, which is toxic to parasites when eaten. Hunting dogs are routinely treated with Noni by Hawaiian hunters who “swear” it controls roundworms, hookworms and other parasites.
Some Hawaiians also use Noni to prevent or treat heartworms. If Noni is scientifically proven to be an effective anthelmintic, people with heartworm-infested pets, who have limited financial means or do not wish to use chemical treatments, may be able to improve the quality of life and longevity of their animals by giving them Noni on a daily basis.
Noni is also reported to act as an effective tick repellent in humans and animals.
Topical use of Noni
I have used a 90% noni and water topical lotion on cats with allergic skin reactions (to food and fleas) and have seen less inflammation after the third application. Licking the lotion is also beneficial; Ingested noni facilitates skin and tissue repair by increasing local collagen production. When used as a regular dietary supplement, it can heal small, minor and often unnoticed wounds.
Topical lotions made from noni fruit or leaves can provide quick pain relief and can be added as a “strengthener” to shampoos. Noni extract could be mixed with other topical pain relievers to help ease the pain.
A company in Kauai, Hawaii (Real-Noni) makes Noni lotion by air-drying a puree of fruit pulp, then pouring hot water (below 115°F) over it. Once cooled, it is mixed with purified water, lavender oil and grapefruit seed extract.
I make Noni ointment as follows:
3 large fresh noni leaves, chopped
1 turmeric root (about the size of your thumb), freshly grated raw
½ cup coconut oil
Simmer, but do not burn, until mixture is yellow/green in color (not brown) — about ten to 20 minutes. Strain out all plant material and store in a wide-mouthed glass jar.
How much should you give your dog or cat?
My own dosing experience is based on unripe Noni fruit leather (Real-Noni, or fermented juice, and more recently, a dry extract powder from Maui, Hawaii (Noni Maui,
Because compounds in Noni are known to react with proteins, the herb should be taken on an empty stomach. I recommend the following dosage regimens using fruit leather and fermented juice – however, as always, it is best to consult with a holistic or integrative veterinarian before giving your dog or cat any new herb or supplement.
Fruit leather: 1″ by 1″ square = 750 mg
- Small dogs and cats 750 mg divided into two doses
- Medium dogs (20 lbs to 35 lbs) 1500 mg per day
- Large dogs (50-90 pounds) 3000 mg daily
- Giant breeds 4,500 mg to 6,000 mg per day
fermented juice
- Small dogs and cats 5 ml bid
- Medium dogs 10ml to 15ml bid
- Large dogs 30 ml bid
- Giant breeds 60 ml bid
Noni products
The quality of a Noni product and its nutritional components is directly related to how and where the plant is grown. Concentrations of active constituents are highly dependent on the quality of soil, water, geographic location, terrain, and weather conditions. In general, plants growing in their natural, undisturbed environment (“in the wild”) have a higher concentration of nutrients and phytochemicals than those grown in plantations. Climatic changes such as drought can have a negative effect on the concentration of nutrients in plants.
Noni is commercially available in the following forms:
- Fruit juices fermented or not mixed with other fruit juices
- Fermented ripe fruit (traditional)
- Extract of unripe fruit juice
- Unripe fruit powder capsules
- Leather made from unripe fruit
There is some controversy among manufacturers over how best to process noni to retain its medicinal properties. Some believe that processes using high heat or fermentation can destroy enzymes and bioactive ingredients, while mixing this fruit with others can form unwanted compounds.
Further research on all forms of noni is needed to address these concerns.
In my opinion, noni is safe and has a lot of potential to treat and even possibly prevent many diseases in dogs and cats including cancer, parasites, allergies, etc.