Are dog wheelchairs only for senior pets?
Mobility issues, joint pain, and difficulty walking are common issues in older dogs. But mobility issues aren’t just limited to older dogs. Many young dogs and puppies can also have mobility challenges and in many cases a dog wheelchair is a great way to keep a young dog active!
Benefits of a Puppy Wheelchair
Wheelchairs are also great for moving animals! Especially puppies. The Walkin’ Wheels Fully Adjustable Wheelchair is a fantastic option for helping dogs of all ages who suffer from mobility adversities. A puppy wheelchair allows growing young dogs to stay active while giving them the support they need to move around naturally and safely.
A growing dog needs an adjustable wheelchair
Puppies can grow fast, they need a wheelchair that will grow with them! The Walkin’ Wheels would allow the puppies to grow independently while the wheelchair would keep them upright comfortably. This would help them grow in proper proportions without adding strain to any particular body part. Also, as a dog grows, gradual adjustments can be made to the height, width and length of the wheelchair to keep it comfortably supported.
Preventing muscle atrophy, freedom to play with other puppies, and expressing their high energy levels are just a few great reasons to use Walkin’ Wheels. An adjustable wheelchair can grow with them as they grow. You can always exchange the frame size, as we have many different sizes to choose from. Our wheelchair experts work with young and growing dogs all the time. Call us at 888-253-0777 so we can help you select the best size wheelchair to grow with them!
Protect your own back
Another great benefit for owners: Walkin’ Wheels save pet owners’ backs by eliminating the need to bend over and support their pup for walks or bathroom breaks. Constantly bending and lifting your pup (especially if he’s large) can lead to back pain and strain. A wheelchair solves all of this by giving your dog a way to stay active and independent of their owner. A puppy wheelchair means freedom for you and your dog! The Walkin’ Wheels allow for independent elimination as the rear harness system has been designed not to interfere with this area.
Wheelchairs encourage exercise
While in the wheelchair, puppies can still use their paws to walk. Unless a puppy is paralyzed, all four paws should touch the ground when using the cart. This is to encourage the dog to walk and use their hind legs to build muscle while they exercise. The wheelchair would relieve the pressure of their body weight on their limbs, allowing them to move around naturally and wiggle around like we love to see puppies do!
If rehabilitation exercises are needed, the Walkin’ Wheels can help support your pup’s body while you work on their range of motion exercises too!
5 Reasons a Young Dog Needs a Wheelchair
1. Balance issues
Whether a puppy is struggling to keep his balance or has an illness that causes him to shake and fall, a wheelchair can help. For example, puppies faced with a sudden loss of balance may become reluctant to move on their own because they are afraid of falling. A wheelchair will support them and help them gain confidence so they can feel safe walking alone.
2. Conformational limb deformity

Young dogs and puppies can be born with a birth defect of the limbs which can make it difficult to gain weight on the affected leg. These problems can range from one leg being shorter than the other to a twisted or even strained leg. However, it is more common for a puppy’s front legs to be impacted, with one of the two bones (the radius or ulna) of the front leg or even the leg that was born malformed.
If the dog is not in pain, a wheelchair can help him learn to walk and stand properly while the puppy develops strength. With wheelchair support, the pup gets the help he needs to stay active, keep up with his siblings, and reduce the risk of straining his remaining healthy limbs.
A full-support wheelchair is the best option for puppies with front leg deformities. The two front wheels of the trolley support the front legs, while the rear wheels provide additional stability at the back.
3. Neurological state
Puppies born with a neurological disorder may have difficulty standing, fall over, shake, or even be born paralyzed. However, a wheelchair gives them the support they need to stand despite their difficulties. Common neurological problems in puppies include cerebellar hypoplasia, hydrocephalus, and wobbler syndrome. Symptoms may appear at birth or once the puppy begins to walk.
4. Injury or trauma
A traumatic injury can happen at any age, even with a young puppy. And depending on the nature of the injury, if surgery was needed or just a long recovery time, it’s likely that your pup will need help while it heals. A puppy wheelchair can be a great way to support your pup during his recovery. For hind leg injuries affecting the hip, knee, or lower leg, the wheelchair will reduce the pressure your dog puts on the injured leg to make walking easier. Many growing dogs will use a wheelchair as a support during their rehabilitation and therapy sessions to help them walk.
5. Amputations in young dogs
Although young dogs adapt very quickly to a missing limb, a wheelchair is sometimes used for amputee puppies to help rebalance them and ease the transition as they adjust to their missing limb. However, this will likely only be temporary, as amputee dogs can live full and active lives.