Borzoi Dog Breed Temperament – Dogster

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Some dogs have jobs and love to work, but old breeds bred for hunting like the borzoi aren’t that type of dog, says longtime Milwaukee, Wisconsin breeder Pamela Jo Leichtnam. “They love the fun of hunting. They love to run and they need to exercise,” she says. “But, once they’re done running and exercising, they can come in and be a couch potato like the other breeds. They don’t need to be active all the time. They don’t run all day; they can go out and exercise, then they rest.

Train sighthounds like the Borzoi

There is a stigma on the temperament of Greyhounds that their minds are solely focused on the hunt, but the Borzoi is biddable and trainable to succeed in just about any sport or arena.

“They are as smart as a fox,” says Pamela Jo. “They’re not hard to train – it’s just the time you want to put in to get what you want out of them, just like with any other breed.”

Borzois are driven by treats when it comes to training, and it’s easy to train a dog that lives to please.

Best families for the Borzoi temperament

Borzoi dog breeders have placed their puppies with families with children and with other dogs or without children. However, Pamela Jo cautions against bringing an adult borzoi into a home with smaller dogs or cats if the borzoi is unaccustomed to small animals due to its temperament.

“You have to realize they are a hunting breed – they will hunt a rabbit or a squirrel,” she says. “If you have a small dog in the house or a cat, the best way to deal with that is to buy a puppy and raise the puppy with that. It’s just their instincts.

Borzois do best in homes with yards so they can run around and don’t do well in apartments purely because of the need for exercise – just walking around isn’t enough for this dog.

“I think Borzois are just very sweet, very approachable dogs, and an educated owner will create a happy, lasting relationship,” says Pamela Jo.

Interested in getting a Borzoi? Check out the Borzoi Club of America.

Discover other greyhounds in the article Come see about 5 breeds of greyhound dogs.

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