Safety and Preparation Tips – Dogster

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Feeding your dog organ meat, as opposed to muscle meat, is a treat, not a balanced meal, says Dr. Jessica Taylor, vice president of veterinary medicine at Petfolk Veterinary and Urgent Care, which has offices in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina.

Organ meat for dogs typically includes the liver, heart, and gizzards of chickens, ducks, and turkeys, but includes other internal organs and the entrails of larger farm animals, such as cattle and chickens. sheep.

Is organ meat safe for dogs?

Dr. Taylor says organ meat is rich in vitamins dogs need like iron, vitamins C and E, as well as protein, which benefits active dogs who participate in dog sports or do dog sports. exercise and play throughout the day. But too much of these nutrients can also cause problems like obesity, so feed your dog organ meat as a food additive (eg, mixed into kibble) instead of a full meal.

Chicken gizzards are a tough muscle in a bird’s digestive tract, which can pose a choking hazard, says Dr. Taylor. Cut chicken gizzards and other hard organ meats into small pieces before giving them to your dog.

Raw organ meat vs cooked organ meat for dogs

Dr. Taylor does not recommend feeding raw organ meat to dogs, due to the increased health risks of bacteria, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even death in humans and dogs. Although cooking removes some nutrients, Dr. Taylor says it’s the safest option.

Read our article on raw dog foods to avoid.

How much offal can dogs eat?

Give dogs organ meat once in a while, like once a month, says Dr. Taylor. The amount of organ meat you feed your dog will depend on your dog’s size and health, so ask your veterinarian before including this type of meat in your puppy’s diet, she adds. She.

Organ meat alone is not a balanced diet. Feed your dog chicken liver and other organ meats as a dog food additive, not as a complete meal. A balanced pet food ensures that your dog receives the proper nutrients.

Final note: Organ meat for dogs is a great treat that uses up your leftovers if you’re cooking a whole chicken for your family, but should be considered a treat.

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