18 facts about the imposing Dogo Argentino – Dogster

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A relatively newcomer to our shores, the Dogo Argentino embodies the kind of power, strength, and courage that stops you in your tracks. Chew on these remarkable facts about this impressive South American dog.

  1. Where does the Dogo Argentino come from?

The Dogo Argentino is an Argentine breed of great mastiff of the type bred at the beginning of the 20th century for dog fighting and for hunting large game such as wild boar, peccaries and pumas. He is from the province of Cordoba, in the central region of the country.

  1. Who bred the Dogo Argentino for the first time?

The creator of the Dogo was Antonio Nores Martinez, a doctor from a family that placed great value on tradition. In 1928, Dr. Nores Martinez set out to realize his vision of developing a new breed of dog which he named the Dogo Argentino. It started with the now defunct Old Fighting Dog of Cordoba. He admired this breed for its power, but wanted to improve its size and strength. Other breeds were added over the generations, starting with the Bull Terrier, then followed by the Great Dane, Pointer, Boxer, Bulldog, Pyrenean Mastiff, Irish Wolfhound and Spanish Mastiff.

Dr. Nores Martinez selected the white coat color and rejected any dog ​​with a lower mouth and lower jaw (Bulldog). He worked tirelessly on this mission, and by the 12th generation, his dogs were breeding faithfully. In 1947, he presented his breed to the Club de Cazadores (“hunters club”) of Buenos Aires with a breed standard. It was a labor of love for the physician brothers Nores Martinez (late Antonio and his successor, Agustin) but ultimately their dream of developing the ultimate canine hunter and athlete paid off.

  1. When was the Dogo Argentino accepted into national breed clubs?

It took until 1973 for the Dogo to be accepted as the first and only Argentine breed by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), a worldwide organization that recognizes breeds that can compete in its world dog shows. The breed received full recognition from the American Kennel Club in January 2020.

  1. What is the coat color of the Dogo Argentino?

Doctors Nores Martinez envisioned an all-white dog, and the American Kennel Club breed standard meets their strict guidelines. In color, the AKC standard admits that the “only tolerable spots are a black or dark colored spot on the skull but which may also be localized on an ear or around an eye or very small dark spots on the ears. More than one spot on the head (except small spots on the ears) is a disqualification… A black spot anywhere other than the head is a disqualification.

  1. What is the temperament of the Dogo Argentino?

The Dogo loves family, but is a very dominant and protective breed around strangers and other dogs. Under “Character and Temperament,” the breed standard tells us that the Dogo is a “strong, tenacious, hardy dog ​​that was bred to protect family and property, as well as to hunt big game and destructive predators. He is a faithful companion at home and in the field.Of all the attributes of the Dogo, he is above all courageous.

  1. What is the height and weight of the Dogo Argentino?

The Dogo is a large dog breed with a height of 24 to 26.5 inches at the shoulder and a weight ranging from 88 to 100 pounds.

  1. How long does the Dogo Argentino live?

The life expectancy of the Dogo is 9 to 15 years.

  1. What is the activity of the Mastiff?

High level of energy. Adaptable, trainable, and eager to please, obedience, agility, and rallying are all possible with a well-socialized Dogo.

  1. Is the Dogo Agentino good for new owners?

Typically, no. This breed is far too strong and dominant for most situations.

  1. Is the Dogo Argentino a good pet?

He can be. A good Dogo breeder who socializes puppies from a young age, followed by continued socialization in their new home is essential. If there are other pets in the house, pay special attention to the dynamics involved; it is a dominant race.

  1. Is the Mastiff a good house dog?

In most cases, no. This is an active and dominant breed with a high watchdog/protective nature.

  1. Is it easy to train a Dogo?

High trainability. This breed is eager to please.

  1. Is the Dogo good at excessive barking?

Medium to high barking level. Do not buy the Dogo Argentino if you are looking for a quiet dog.

  1. Is the Mastiff a good traveler?

Typically, yes. Get him used to car travel early. Crate training is essential for safe car travel, hotel and motel stays, overnight visits to the vet, and more.

  1. Is the Mastiff easy to groom?

Yes. The Dogo Argentino has a medium to high shedding level, so occasional brushing reduces unwanted white hair left on furniture, floors and carpets. The breed has a smooth, short coat.

  1. How popular is the Dogo Argentino?

This breed ranks 88th on the American Kennel Club’s list of most popular breeds in 2022, based on annual registrations. (There are 200 recognized breeds in all.)

  1. Is there deafness in the Dogo Argentino breed?

Like the Dalmatian, the white Bull Terrier and the white Boxer, the Dogo can suffer from pigmentary deafness. There is the possibility of an overall deafness rate of around 10% with some dogs affected unilaterally (deaf in one ear) and some bilaterally (deaf in both ears). Studies have shown that the incidence of deafness is significantly reduced when the only raised Dogos are those with bilaterally normal hearing. Insist on seeing health test results for parents and puppies if you’re looking to add a Dogo to your home.

  1. Are Dogo Argentinos included in breed bans?

The Dogo has a fighting dog heritage. Coupled with its size, strength and natural dominance, this has resulted in ownership bans or restrictions in some countries including the Cayman Islands, Denmark, Norway, Fiji, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Turkey. In the UK, under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, it is illegal to own a Dogo Argentino without legal permission. In the United States, some cities may ban the breed, and there may be insurance policies and housing restrictions that impact breed ownership.

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