Guide on how to train a pit bull and why it’s so important – Dogster

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Raising a pit bull to be friendly and confident involves engaging in socialization. Training your pit bull not to bite and to socialize well with other dogs is non-negotiable. And because pit bulls have a stigma, being a responsible pet parent is part of the pittie package.

What is a pit bull?

The pit bull is not a breed, but rather a collection of breeds resulting from the crossing of terriers with bulldogs. Pit bulls and several other dogs with similar histories and appearances are also categorized as bully breeds, but pit bulls are generally considered to be:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT)
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • American Bulldog (American Bully)

Raising and Socializing a Pit Bull Puppy

The importance of socialization for all puppies cannot be overstated, but it’s especially true for pit bulls. Socialization is the process of systematically and positively introducing puppies to literally everything in our human-centered world, especially people and other animals.

This is especially critical during the sensitive (or primary) socialization period between 3 and 14 weeks, when a puppy’s brain is most like a sponge. Dog breeders and dog rescuers care for puppies for much of this time, so pick one that has an aggressive socialization schedule because you’ll pick up where they leave off.

Within the sensitive period is the first fear period, between 8 and 12 weeks, when puppies can develop lasting negative associations and fear, especially towards people and other dogs. Thus, if an activity or situation/environment begins to deteriorate:

  • Keep calm and keep the good mojo flowing
  • Remove the offensive stimulus (or the puppy) from the situation
  • Turn the situation into a happy moment: offer treats, belly massages, etc.
  • Follow up immediately with a quick ball retrieve, toy pull or other fun activity
  • Don’t punish the fear of a “new thing”—help relieve it!

While genetics plays a big role in behavior, so does environment and learning history. Not all pit bulls are born aggressive towards dogs, but the potential for dog-to-dog aggression exists more than in other breeds. So set up your pup’s environment for success and only use reward-based methods to create a foundation for lifelong learning.

Socialization continues into adolescence, even if the landscape looks a little different. In short, from around 6 months to 12+ months, puppies go through “puberty”, testing boundaries and beginning to display breed-specific traits. Teenagers can also go through a second fear period which lasts about 2-3 weeks but unlike the primary period you cannot set the timing. You’ll know if he’s in this phase because he’ll start to become suspicious or afraid of things he was cool with before. Be careful here: even one incident like this during this time can have permanent emotional effects and behavioral consequences, so make sure it floats without any painful or frightening experiences.

How to Train a Pit Bull Puppy Not to Bite

Don’t ignore bites or the puppy’s mouth: teach your pit bull puppy not to bite. Follow these four simple rules:

  • DON’T ever rude to him!
  • Discourage people’s teeth and never reward even playful bites.
  • Even if it’s accidental, if a tooth touches any part of a person, it’s over, period.
  • Mouth pit? Instead, give a toy and make sure suitable chew toys are always available.

For tips on how to stop puppies from chewing and nipping, check out former Dogster columnist Victoria Stilwell’s steps on how to stop this behavior.

Why an Under/Unsocialized and Untrained Pit Bull Can Be a Serious Problem

Fearful dogs were generally not adequately or positively socialized during training periods. Fear can lead to extreme shyness or even overreactivity and aggression. And that’s a big deal, especially for pits and maybe for you.

Pit bulls have long been referred to as an aggressive breed. After a 1987 Time the magazine cover portrayed them as dangerous, the mainstream media latched onto them. Soon after, Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) was born and has dotted the national landscape ever since.

Therefore, people fear and even hate pit bulls or any dogs that have the misfortune to look like them. They are often the first to be euthanized at shelters, even ahead of older or sick dogs, as many shelters cannot adopt them due to local laws or the unfortunate reputation of pit bulls. The good news is that since 2018, nearly 70 BSL repeals have been upheld.

The CDC advises against BSL and stopped tracking breeds implicated in fatal dog attacks in 1998. However, anti-pit bull groups continue to sensationalize stories of pit bull bites and tend to disproportionately attribute dog attacks on pit bulls. Pit bulls and other large dogs cause more severe damage than small dogs; however, bites from small dogs generally do not require hospital visits and are therefore generally underreported. Remember: make sure part of your training and socialization includes a toothless approach to people. A biting pit bull is a huge liability to itself and to you: the consequences can range from quarantine to euthanasia to your arrival in court.

And finding a rental for you and your pittie can be difficult. However, landlords are increasingly receptive if your dog is well trained and has Canine Good Citizen certification by the AKC, which can also help you obtain renter or landlord insurance. Companies that offer access to insurance policies for people with pits include:

  • All states
  • Farmers
  • state farm
  • At national scale
  • USAA (for military families)
  • Chubb

You might also consider buying dog bite insurance to protect you and your dog, especially if your pit is fearful, overly reactive, aggressive, or has a history of biting. And keep your dog licensed and up to date on vaccinations.

Training tips for pit bulls

Pit bulls are highly intelligent, highly trainable, and require solid training and impulse control. Start by teaching your dog solid Leave it, Take it, and Drop it cues.

Tug of war is the perfect game to teach impulse control because it reinforces these signals and sets clear boundaries for play. (

Other Skills All Pit Bulls Should Know:

An overly excited dog can cause problems, so embark on a good relaxation protocol to help your pit bull learn calm behavior when the going gets tough.

Finally, stay on top of any behavioral issues so things don’t get sticky, and remember: having a pit bull means understanding the scrutiny your dog will face most of the time.

Be Aware of These Pit Bull Traits

Pit bulls require solid training and impulse control. Start by teaching your dog solid Leave it, Take it and Drop it cues ©Ksenia Raykova/Getty Images

Pit bulls were originally bred to bait bulls and bears, so a prized trait was playfulness, which means persevering regardless of threat or injury. Gambling and aggression are not the same: a passive winner was better than an aggressive loser. Unfortunately, this eagerness has become a valuable trait for dog fighters who continue to harbor stereotypes of pit bulls as vicious killers. Today’s traditional pit bulls may possess this determination to some degree, but primarily to spend time with you: they were also bred to have deep attachments to humans.

Ultimately, many pits are burrows. APBTs are particularly known for having a large number of prey items. In addition to impulse control exercises, provide an outlet for the early parts of the prey training sequence (eye/orientation, stalking, pursuit) as a healthy way to let them get in touch with their instincts and enrich them. Try a flirt pole or even a spring pole.

Pit bulls are intelligent and can be very energetic and dynamic. A bored pittie can quickly develop behavioral issues, so create a plan to mentally and physically stimulate your dog so he has positive outlets for his energy.

Fun sports to try:

  • flying ball
  • parkour and other obstacle-related activities
  • dock jump
  • pulling weight
  • GRC (Game, Relationship, Control)
  • crossed dogs
  • barn hunts or earth dog trials

Pits can even do well at agility and Frisbees. Wallace the pit bull defied odds and became a world champion disc dog winning dozens of titles.

Pit bulls are not for everyone and not for a first time dog parent. Although they often get a bad rap, pits are loyal, fun-loving, and mean. Raising and training your pit bull to be well-socialized with other dogs and people and to be well-behaved goes hand in hand with territory—with these breeds come an added responsibility. Pit bulls deserve us to be champions for them so they can be ambassadors for their breeds and themselves.

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