Huskies have lots of fur and shed twice a year, but don’t be intimidated: grooming is easy if you know the secrets (hint: never shave your Husky’s coat!). Tim Vogel, CEO of dog grooming franchise Scenthound, combs through his top three Husky grooming tips.
How to Groom a Husky
Tip 1: Never shave a Husky’s coat
Huskies are double coated, which means they have a top coat of longer, harsh hair and a soft, down-like undercoat that provides warmth, cooling and protection. Shaving a Husky can make it hotter and cause sunburn on its skin. Shaving also damages the finish coat and disrupts the hair growth cycle, which means it can take years to grow back properly, Tim shares.
Because Huskies shed naturally, regular visits to the groomer are not necessary. Focus on brushing and speeding up the shedding process with the right tools (listed below) to keep your Husky’s hair and skin healthy.
To maintain healthy nails, read our guide to trimming your dog’s nails at home or visit your professional groomer every 4-6 weeks.
Avoid shaving for these other dog breeds.
Tip 2: Establish a Husky Grooming Routine
Husky grooming should include at least monthly baths and weekly brushing. This keeps the undercoat from tangling, says Tim. A matted coat is more than unsightly – it’s downright painful, says Tim.
Keeping track of your weekly grooming schedule in a journal helps establish and maintain good habits.
Tip 3: Groom more often during shedding season
Finally, Tim urges Husky parents to do extra grooming during shedding seasons, which typically occur twice a year in the spring and fall. During this time, Huskies shed their undercoat, also known as their coat blowout, which regulates their body temperature during different seasons. Wash them weekly and brush them daily. This removes loose coat and prevents matting, Tim says.
Shedding seasons also mean hair everywhere! Here are our top picks for cleaning dog hair.
Tools for Easy Husky Grooming
The four most important Husky grooming tools are:
With the right tools and knowledge, dog parents will find it easy to keep their Husky tangle-free.