What do you need to travel to Hawaii with your dog? – Dogster

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Traveling to Hawaii with your dog? It takes research and planning, as Hawaii comes in first with the strictest state laws for traveling with pets. Whether you are moving or traveling to Hawaii with your dog, be aware that for pets to leave the Hawaii airport, there is a multi-step process of showing proof of two rabies vaccinations and passing a OIE-FAVN (Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralization) blood test. test measuring the immune system’s response to rabies vaccine, after a 30-day waiting period. Then you must meet the specific requirements of the island.

Follow the state checklist to make sure your pet won’t get stuck at the Hawaii Animal Quarantine Station.

When to start planning a trip to Hawaii with your dog

Plan early, months in advance, for Hawaii’s tight vaccine needs, well before flight time, according to the Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s Animal Quarantine Station Division (HDOA). Notify your veterinarian as soon as possible to schedule your dog’s appointments for the appropriate period (see below) before your trip.

Go over the pre-flight checklist before you and your dog fly to Hawaii

A series of steps must be taken for a dog to be released from the airport through the Hawaii Airport Direct Exit. To get started, follow this vaccine checklist, which directs you to the right set of requirements based on your final destination on the island.

Checklist items include:

  • Working microchip required
  • Minimum waiting period of 30 days after the last rabies vaccine
  • Minimum waiting period of 30 days after receipt of the FAVN blood sample at the laboratory
  • FAVN report must be received at Animal Quarantine Station prior to arrival
  • The accredited veterinarian must complete a health certificate within 10 days of your trip and administer pre-flight flea and tick treatment
  • Complete Dog/Cat HDOA Release Form
  • Pay DAR fee – $185 in Honolulu; $165 for neighboring island permit

There are additional forms and requirements depending on your island destination.

Hawaiian Islands Specific Requirements for Dogs

Your island destination and length of stay determine your travel needs:

  • Travel to Honolulu, follow checklist #1
  • When traveling direct to Kauai, Maui or Kona, follow checklist #2 – Requires prior arrangements with a licensed veterinarian to meet you at the airport at your own expense
  • Travel to Kauai, Maui or Kona requires a Neighbor Island Import Permit (NIIP) – requested at least 30 days prior to arrival

Will my dog ​​be quarantined in Hawaii?

“If they don’t meet all of the requirements within the required time frame, the dog will not be released and will be quarantined in Hawaii or returned to the point of origin at the owner’s expense,” according to HDOA.

Information on Animal Quarantine in Hawaii:

  • The cost of a 120-day quarantine is $1,080.
  • Kauai homeowners can choose quarantine at the Kauai Humane Society at $100/day.

Kauai Humane Society has created a video guide to bringing your dog to Kauai.

For questions regarding travel requirements with your dog, contact Animal Quarantine Station at rabiesfree@hawaii.gov or by phone at (808) 483-7151

To ensure everyone enjoys paradise upon arrival, follow HDOA’s vaccine and island requirements and plan early based on your circumstances.

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