Why do these 9 breeds love the sun?

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If you live in a hot climate and want a heat-tolerant dog, there are specific breeds that like — and even thrive — in warmer temperatures.

“Certain breeds stand out for their ability to cope with hot climates,” says Dr. Alex Schechter, founder of Burwood Veterinary. “Breeds better adapted to hot weather have evolved a range of physical and behavioral characteristics that allow them to tolerate high temperatures and high humidity levels. These traits include a finer coat, loose skin, larger ears, and a more efficient respiratory system.

Dogster also interviewed Ben Ryba and Brendan Foster, co-owners of True Canine Training, to learn more about hot weather dog breeds.

Our list of the best hot weather dogs


Known for their independence and intelligence, Basenjis are an ancient African dog breed that are no strangers to hot climates. Their short, thin coat, small stature, and large ears help them stay cool in hot weather. Basenji pair best with an experienced handler, hunter/sportsman, or family with older children. Basenjis groom themselves similar to cats and require brushing every few days due to their low shedding.

Basenji ©alekta/Getty Images

2. Chihuahuas

A pint-sized breed native to Mexico, the Chihuahua’s fine, smooth coat is suitable for warm weather. These little pooches love being companion dogs and are deeply devoted to their family. You can often catch them sunbathing or snuggling up under a blanket to keep warm. Chihuahuas make excellent apartment dwellers and work best with families that have older children. Long-haired Chihuahuas require frequent grooming, while short-haired Chihuahuas only need occasional brushing.

White long haired Chihuahua puppy.  Dog in nature.
Chihuahua ©Roman Oleshchenko/Getty Images

3. German Shorthaired Pointer

“The German Shorthaired Pointer is a hunting dog and will typically weigh between 50 and 70 pounds. They have short fur and no hair underneath, which keeps them cool in the heat,” Ben and Brendan explain. “They love to run and swim and are perfect for a family, hunter or someone who is an outdoorsman in warmer environments.”

Although the German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) does not shed much, the dog breed sheds year-round in warmer climates and requires more frequent brushing. (Read our article on the best dog brushes for shedding.)

german shorthaired pointer hunting
German Shorthaired Pointer © Shinyfamily/Getty Imagea

4. Vizsla

The Vizsla is a Hungarian dog breed with a short, sleek coat, which makes it well suited to hot weather – and easy to groom! But since they’re high-energy dogs who need lots of exercise, take them outside early in the morning or late at night to avoid overheating, says Dr. Schechter. Known as “Velcro dogs”, Vizslas are great family dogs and are best suited to those who have an active lifestyle and are able to spend a lot of time with them.

©Mint Images/Getty Images

5. Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog, also called Blue Heeler, has a short double coat that keeps this breed of dog cool whether he is working or playing hard. Developed in – you guessed it – Australia, this medium-sized breed is known for their high energy and stamina and love of exploration, making them perfect for active pet parents, families , hunters or cattle herders.

Australian Cattle Dog ©Marco Victervo / 500px/Getty Images

6. Pharaoh’s Hound

The visually striking Pharaoh’s Hound originated in ancient Egypt and is known as one of the oldest domesticated breeds. Natural athletes, Pharaoh Hounds love to run and swim and thrive in warm weather thanks to their big ears and short, fine fur that doesn’t require much grooming. Pharaoh Hounds are adaptable, active, and affectionate; all they really require from a companion or family is someone to track their exercise needs.

Pharoah Hound | © CaptureLight/Getty Images

7. Yorkshire Terrier

Not only is the fine, silky coat of the Yorkshire Terrier fabulous, but it also keeps them cool when temperatures rise. (Although you should keep your Yorkie indoors during extreme heat.) Yorkies are small dogs with larger-than-life personalities and lots of energy, definitely a great match for high-energy types and families. with older children. It’s no surprise that their beautiful, long coats require regular grooming.

Yorkshire Terrier ©IzaLysonArts/500px/Getty Images

8. Mexican Hairless (Xoloitzcuintli) pronounced “show-low-eet-SQUINT-lee”

A distinct and rare breed, the Mexican Hairless or Xolo for short, originated in ancient Mexico and has little to no hair, which helps keep them cool on hot days. Although easy to groom, it also means that this breed of dog needs sunscreen when outdoors, as the skin is susceptible to sunburn and should not be exposed to extreme heat. The Mexican Hairless can be standard, miniature, or toy-sized. Regardless of size, these sweet, playful dogs make great companions for individuals and families who consider themselves couch potatoes.

Mexican hairless, xoloitzcuintle.  Beautiful adult dog outdoors.  Rare dog breed, Xolo.  Standard size.  Sunny day.
©Creativebird/Getty Images

9. Afghan Hound

Another ancient dog breed is the aristocratic Afghan Hound. Originally from Afghanistan, the Afghan Hound adapts to both hot and cold temperatures. This medium-sized breed has a unique, silky coat that is so glamorous that it requires regular grooming. Often referred to as “cat-like,” you’ll find the Afghan Hound independent, athletic, and laid-back. They are best suited for an experienced pet parent who leads a more active lifestyle.

Afghan hound ©Auscape / Contributor/Getty Images

How hot is it for dogs in hot weather?

“Different dog breeds have varying levels of heat tolerance, but all dogs can be at risk for heat exhaustion or stroke in hot weather,” says Dr. Schechter.

High temperatures present several dangers to all dogs. However, puppies, geriatric dogs, and dogs with medical conditions should especially avoid being in hot weather, as they are at a higher risk of developing heat stroke.

Signs of overheating include:

  • Excessive panting
  • Dry or pale gums
  • Lethargy or weakness
  • glazed eyes
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • rapid heartbeat
  • Difficulty standing or walking
  • Convulsions or collapse

Provide your dog with enough shade and water. If you notice any signs of overheating, give your dog room temperature water and get to a veterinarian immediately.

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